Pyramid SOT Printer VKP 80

Many aspects of handling are described directly in the SOT printer VKP 80 in practice section of the SOT documentation. This is about more far-reaching things, but they also influence error messages in practice.

Bon roll sensor on the SOT

When the paper runs out, a sensor detects this and an error message appears on the SOT. Operation is then no longer possible. To prevent this from happening in practice, there is another sensor that detects when the paper is almost used up. This status is then reported to the POS system. See this: Printer messages to station...

We recommend that you replace the receipt roll in good time so that the change does not fall during the operating time and, if necessary, takes place late and is thus responsible for a device failure. This requires the appropriate lead time of the paper near end message.

Best Practice: Which lead time on the Near End Sensor paper is relevant for you...

If, for example, your employees do not have the opportunity to change the receipt roll for two hours during rush hour, then the receipt roll consumption to be determined in these two hours is exactly the lead time you need. The paper near end sensor must then be set so that it communicates the end of the receipt roll beforehand and your employees must then renew the receipt roll before the peak time. This may result in a residual amount of thermal paper that is not used. To ensure that this is rarely the case, we have chosen the units with 150 metre rolls as best practice for you. If you want to keep the residuals as small as possible, then you have to give the employees the opportunity and train them to change roles. Trimming to your practical operating environment is required to function with them.

Decide which way to go, otherwise the units will usually fail when it matters most!

Tip: If you absolutely want to use relevant residual quantities, place them in a unit at low-traffic times where you can change them quickly. Then adjust the sensor differently according to these residual quantities. Or: would you be from that it is possibly also best for the environment to dispose of residual quantities here.

Make sure you teach your employees the sensor messages and how to change the paper based on your specifications.

Adjusting the sensor...

To access the sensor, first open the SOT. Now remove the receipt roll from the device:

At the end of the receipt roll holder is a light green adjustment for the eccentric:

This eccentric has different positions. The following pictures show how the lever can be adjusted:

The settings work as follows: eccentric to the rear for an earlier warning, eccentric to the front for a later warning (in the illustrations, rear = left and forward = right).

For the person who is to use the lever, front and back are clearer even if it looks strange in the photos.

Select the appropriate setting based on the best practice above, then reload the receipt roll paper and close the SOT.


If the setting for the sensor has been adjusted, the paper must be reloaded for the sensor to adopt this setting.
(if you made the setting while the paper was still in the printer).

Further documentation: SOT printer VKP 80 in practice

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