Semi-automatic scale integration

Semi-automatic scale integration uses weighing data and a manually selected item to generate a code that can be read by a scanner and thus post an item. Optionally, weighing data from special scales (type Ariva) can be read by the POS system as pure gram information (without item information). This procedure is not a standard and does not replace a certified scale interface.

Configuration of semi-automatic scale integration

The following settings apply per client, per individual cash register that is equipped with a scale. The following steps must be carried out locally on the cash register.

Installing the driver software

Installation of the MTOposAdministrator

You must own the programme, this is not a Hypersoft service.

Open the programme:

(When starting for the first time, add a scale via ADD -> Scale instance (can be freely defined, but enter "HYPScale" for standardised logic. Now select Type -> 8217 (Weight only).

Set the COM-PORT values accordingly, as marked in the picture.

Log file settings are not required.

Setup on the Ariva scale

In order for the scales to communicate with the cash register, adjustments also need to be made to the scales themselves. Further documentation in the Ariva scales manual, page 20, point 2.5

In the manual, page 21. Under group 3, apply the values of the following points to the scale:

  • 3.2 Baud rate = 3

  • 3.3 Parity = 0

  • 3.4 Data bits = 1

  • 3.5 Stop bits = 1

  • 3.6 Protocol = 3

The trolleys require special cables. Please ask the manufacturer of the scales for their assignment.

Setting up the scales and testing...

After setting up the parameters, exit and restart the OPOS administrator. No other programme must be running that accesses the COM port (it is best to close Hypersoft programmes beforehand).

After clicking on CLAIM, it may take 2-5 seconds before you can press the ENABLE button. The event log below shows what the programme executes:

Then place a weight on the scales and click on Read Weight. The value displayed on the scale must be shown identically in the Weight field.

If the weight cannot be read here (timeout message), the scale is incorrectly configured or defective (possibly just the cable).

The connection to the scale can then be terminated using the Close button.

The OPOS administrator can now be exited.

Settings in the Hypersoft ScaleParam.INI

The following values can be entered in the ScaleParam.ini:

  • Item name

  • Image (for button in dialogue)

  • Item Number

  • Tare value

The file can be found in the path:

Drive:\Hypers-!\Cash register \ScaleParam.ini

It can be edited on the local PC and must then be stored manually on each cash register in the specified path. Images may not have a format larger than 100x50 pixels.

The file format of the images = png The same images must be stored on each cash register in the following path:

Drive:\HYPERS-!\Cash register-!

There is no central location for using the images.

A free item number must be stored for the article (not equal to zero / greater than zero).

The tare value can be entered as a fixed value or in the ScaleParam.ini.

If the value in Scaleparam.ini is 0, the programme takes the tare value from the article master, otherwise from the file.

PriceLevel= 0

  • Defines which price level is to be used.

  • 0 = Standard price level

  • 1 or 2 or 3 = Ascending price levels (GCTab database, add_nr)

  • A (-1) can also be entered so that the price level active in the cash register is used.


  • Use the in-house function of the cash register. The article is posted with the InHouse VAT rate as defined in the article master.

Below is the basic configuration for 5 buttons (expandable) of the >>ScaleParam.ini<<


Key1-Name=Bowl large












Key1-Name=Bowl small




Key2-Name=Bowl large




Key3-Name=Box small




Key4-Name=Box large




Key5-Name=BYD Scan...




Key1-ArtNr=222000001 = Free inumber in the item master in the head office.

Item number and for the ScaleParam.ini

The article booked against (base article) has been created as follows (this can have different prices at the specified clients via the location variance):

Features BYO Tare (Bring Your Own Tare = guest comes with their own container, the empty weight of which is available as a receipt if necessary):

Activate free price

  • Minus - 0.01 Enter price

  • Enter a minus price for the price per kilo

  • TARA can be assigned to the item in the item master, provided that unit sales have been activated. Otherwise, the tare value can be entered in the ScaleParam.ini.

    It is recommended to store the identical values at both locations.

System settings in the Hypersoft MCP

In Hypersoft, various parameters must also be set:

MCP login -> System -> System settings

The scales must be deposited in the individual stations/cash registers.

  • Sales scales: -in progress-

  • Port: COM-4

  • OPOS Name: HYPScale

    • Enter the name as in the MTOpos administrator setup!

  • Baud rate: 9600

Hypersoft station settings...

The following values must be stored in the general ward settings under Booking II:

Price: 02

Number: 5 positions

Scanner settings

Example using Honeywell scanners with settings in Switzerland:

If the operating system is configured for Switzerland, the scanner must also be configured for Switzerland accordingly. Use the following barcode:

In the further workflow it will be necessary to programme the scanner so that it automatically recognises and scans the QR code generated at the checkout. With the following barcode, the scanner can be used in "presentation mode" (the scanner is activated when a barcode is "recognised").

If the barcode is read incorrectly, the editor can be used to check what has been read.

There must be a dollar symbol "$" between the individual data records.

Below is a FALSE example, read out with the editor:

<HypBCDScale\Bowl gro'\221000007\540\150\>

The correct representation:

<HypBCDScale$Bowl gro$221000007$540$150$>

Another example of an integrated scanner...

If this integrated scanner is used, scan the following barcode (the scanner does not emit a sound or confirmation, but is then configured):

Starting the programme on the Hypersoft POS

The following files must be available before Hypersoft can be started:

  • Location: Drive:\HYPERS-!\Cash desk-!

  • File: HypScale.exe

  • File: ScaleParam.ini

Once you have ensured that the files are available and the values are stored accordingly, Hypersoft can be started.

Workflow at the POS

Customer arrives - puts weight on the scales

The dialogue starts automatically if no item has been booked before (process closed).

If the dialogue has been minimised with minimise, it can be restarted via the checkout function Libra: Get price must be positioned on the checkout interface for this).

The following dialogue (already expanded to 7 buttons) appears:

Left side = Item INHOUSE

Right side = "TO GO" item .

The desired item is selected. We select the Bento Box in the example. The following dialogue appears:

The QR code must now be scanned with the scanner connected to the cash register. The transfer to the POS system is automatic:

The amount can then be collected or another item can be placed on the scales.

Deviation when BYO TARA is in use...

Guest brings own container with own Tara Bon. Place the container on the scale, now the operator selects BYO Scan...

You will then be asked to read the barcode on the container with the scanner so that the tare value of the empty containers is deducted:

The result at the checkout is as follows:

Automatic tare lock...

If a weighed weight is lower than the tare weight of an item button, the button is blocked for selection and a text: Weight too low is displayed.

Administrator tip - Exiting the programme

If you double-click on the scales symbol, the scales dialogue opens and an EXIT button becomes visible.

Back to the parent page: Sales scale /Check-Out scale