Employees Detail activity report

This report also displays the employee activity postings (to personnel), but broken down by opening day and responsibility.

The booking waiter, or optionally the cashier, is responsible for the bookings and is also listed.

Analyses compared to the standard price (monetary advantage)

The employee detail report refers to the employee bookings; the report can apply the employee's current settings via an option button. In special cases, e.g. if employees do not receive a special price level for their personnel bookings, but articles are used via "Discounts" and different price levels, the option button Determine deviation from normal price can be used. The value is then calculated from the discounts compared to the normal price (which the POS system always includes as the basic price in the booking at the time of booking). These results are used to analyse personnel price variances and can be used to calculate monetary benefits if necessary. In this context, percentage discounts can also be taken into account (in Germany, for example, 4% can reduce the amount for determining the non-cash benefit in 2017).


The operator is assigned the 50% staff discount price level for staff transactions (own consumption).

The option button Determine deviation from normal price deduction 4 % now results in different report displays.


Item normal price : 2,90€

Item Staff discount 50% : 1,45€

Example of the employee process report and the setting for "Determine deviation from normal price"

If the option Determine deviation from normal price is not selected, the basis for the 4% deduction is the price level/discount - as it is stored for the employee under payment information (in the example 50% staff discount ~ €1.45).

When the radio button is activated, the discount/price level stored with the employee is not used for the 4% calculation, but the "normal price" valid at the checkout - €2.90 in the example.

If you activate the option Determine deviation from normal price, the normal price of the respective item is used as the basis for the 4% deduction calculation (in the example, the sales price is €2.90). The difference is listed in the personnel price variance area.

Further documentation: Employees Process report

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