Collector's breakdown

The collector breakdown uses the merchandise categories. However, the report is intended to break through the merchandise category structure by assigning collectors. In addition, relationships with employees can be established.

Collectors can be created in the merchandise category management and assigned to merchandise categories. The Collector tab is available for this purpose. Collectors have priority over merchandise categories. This means that sales are grouped together to form collectors. For sales from merchandise categories that have not been assigned to a collector, the merchandise categories are used again.

To establish relationships with employees in the collector breakdown, you can use the first free variable in the employee master record. This assignment as a profit group functions similarly to a profit center and has absolute priority in this report. This means that employees with this assignment are shown as separate revenue sources, regardless of where they worked (cash register or profit center). These assignments, both those of the collector and those of the profit group, are used for collector evaluation. If no collectors or profit groups have been set up, the collector breakdowns appear on the basis of material group and user name.

However, when all settings have been made, this report shows the sales figures grouped and parent from a very significant angle. Reports about collectors can also be added:

Collector report with grouping:

Collector report without grouping:

For the collector set-up see here: Collectors Collectors and dimensions

Further documentation:

Collector breakdown (voucher sale)

Collector breakdown detailed

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