event manager

The Hypersoft Event Manager can use timers for appointments or recurring events to make certain settings or changes to the POS system and mPOS system.

Tabular function view of the eventmanager

The following series types (functions) are supported:

series type POINT OF SALE mPOS/CLOU MOBILE for Orderman
form texts yes yes
cash register switching yes No, neither by event nor manually switchable.

Switch layout

(checkout keypad)

yes Yes - due to the fact that a translucent film is used in the lower area of the DON and MAX, this must be the same in the layouts or also be replaced with the change.
New map yes yes
Toggle price levels yes yes
Shift changeover yes yes

Note for eCommerce

The Event Manager does not affect the web shop or the eCommerce integration.

Further documentation: Using the Event Manager

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