Cancellations: Variants

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The POS system masters many cancellation levels. In connection with the extended auditability of cash register systems, higher requirements for the differentiation of cancellations have also arisen. Since cancellations also offer opportunities for fraud, we advise you to familiarise yourself with the subject in detail in order to protect yourself against fraud and misunderstandings during audits.

old terms (until 2020) Current Comment
immediate cancellation Cancellation before order New function, new offsetting entries, new status in journal, new reasons.

Subsequent cancellation

cancellation request

Cancellation after order Same function, summarized, new status in journal, reasons can be delimited.
Reopen Cancellation Cancellation after completion Renamed, reasons delimitable, everything else identical.
manager cancellation correction cancellation Renamed, improved, losses can be used.
return return cancellation Renamed, improved, reasons can be used.

See the documentation for the new cancellation system: Cancellation and loss management

Go directly to the new documentation of the cash register functions for the theme Reversal: Cancellation bookings in practice

Further documentation:

Hypersoft procedure for cancellations

Cancellation bookings in practice

Cash register function Correction cancellation

Cash register function Retourstorno

return cancellation

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