Hypersoft POS functions

Where other systems have a statically defined BAR button to complete a transaction with payment, the Hypersoft POS system offers you the possibility to combine individual POS functions and also run them as a macro. This increases the performance through possible combinations and also accelerates the behaviour of the operators at the POS system.


A cash register function is a technical service that is referred to by a certain term, for example, invoices are split to split and separately settle a transaction that consists of several item postings.

Some cash register functions are only used when using special programs or services. As soon as you have set up cashless payment transactions, for example, you will receive a function key for completing a transaction with EC or credit cards via the integrated cashless payment terminal.

Dynamic cash register functionsClosed Dynamic cash register functions appear in the list of cash register functions. The designations depend on your entries such as forms, product groups, price levels, reasons for loss.

Some functions, on the other hand, only result from your input of master data, we call these dynamic cash register functions. These include

  • categories
  • payment methods
  • price levels
  • Points of sale
  • casualities
  • currencies

Macros from cash register functions

Macros can combine 2 to a maximum of 8 functions to form a function key macro.

Further documentation: Macros from cash register functions

Further documentation: Execute 1 and 2

The following chapters list the cash register functions alphabetically or in case of deviations analogous to the sequence of the function list.

Further documentation: 140 Cash register function within this chapter, example Abatement ...

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