Gross and net prices
Deviations in reports...
The question repeatedly arises as to why the net totals within the reports or in the comparison between the report manager and the portal show deviations. As a rule, it is only a few cents in a daily comparison, but in a monthly or even annual comparison it can be up to 1 or 2 euros. The background in all cases is that the net is calculated from a gross total system (you store the gross prices in the article master), taking into account the VAT rates. Depending on whether it is a total per day or a breakdown by operator, product group, profit centre or other groupings, the net can be calculated differently. Each individual sum is then rounded from case to case, which can lead to deviations in the cent range.
Hypersoft is not a net system
The Hypersoft POS POS system works with gross prices from the item master. You can set in the form settings that the prices of the article master are net prices, but this is only a solution for very low demands on the POS system and is not implemented in compliance with the tax authorities in Germany, for example. The controller also only works if the sales prices are gross prices and the purchase prices are net prices. You have four freely definable VAT options. Rates and the VAT option free items available.
If you want to use Hypersoft Suite in environments where VAT is added to the sales price, this is project work that must be planned.
This topic concerns project work that is subject to planning.
The Hypersoft // system is a standard programme that can be used in many different configurations. The correct application of the topics described here requires expert knowledge and an alignment of expectations, and not all Hypersoft employees and partners are equally trained in all of the topics labelled in this way. For this reason, we characterise these topics as project work requiring planning, so that you can contact your Hypersoft sales partner or Hypersoft Support in good time with this necessary planning. This approach ensures that we record your requirements carefully and respond to them in a targeted manner.
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