Define loss reasons

Reasons for loss designate loss postings in order to make an exact differentiation of the individual postings. With loss reasons, you create a series of terms that are made available as cash register functions. You can then, for example, for invited guests, separate these bookings with a friendly text on the invoice appear. Otherwise, you can define loss reasons so that they only appear on internal documents.

From the Administration tab, choose the System Settings program group and start Reasons for Loss.

Element / Switch Function / Description
Reasons for loss (list) Select a reason for loss to edit its texts and settings. By entering a term and pressing the Continue search button, you can also find reasons for loss from a large number of entries.

Reasons for loss that are no longer used can be switched to inactive. The data record is retained and is used by reports, but inactive loss reasons are no longer displayed on posting systems.

If a reason for loss is used in a cancellation reason for selection, a message is issued.

If a loss reason that has been programmed on the keypad is deactivated, it will be removed when loading. If it is part of a macro, only the reason for loss within the macro is removed. It is advisable to edit the keypad programming in this respect if loss reasons are switched inactive.

designation Use descriptions that uniquely represent the function of the price level within your site.
Text on documents

You can activate the option for printing loss reasons on order receipts and forms. The associated items are grouped on forms under the loss reason price level. The reason for loss per posting is printed under the item on the order receipt.

To enable this printing, you must activate the Reason for loss on invoice option.

Abbreviation for Export Here you can assign a short name that is used when exporting data with the journal export.
Customer base allocation Here you can define numbers that allow access to price levels during MixMatch programming.
Print reason for loss on invoice Enable this option to print the reason for loss on forms.

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