eMail settings

At the top right of the title bar you reach the context menu (three dots), which takes you to the payment settings.

Take advantage of the opportunity Send emails under your domain.

Global Settings

The webshop can send e-mails on behalf of each of your locations, so that you can enter a separate sender e-mail address and footer for order confirmations or sending vouchers. If, on the other hand, you would like to use global settings, i.e. use the same settings across all locations, you can activate the switch Use global settings and define these under Configuration / eMail settings. These settings then apply identically to all their locations.


Sender and footer...

Define the e-mail settings per location. To do so, please select the desired location from the list and add the desired sender e-mail address, the sender name and your footer in DE/EN. Which you then go to your other locations to make all the entries.

Separate order confirmation for delivery and collection...

The order confirmations for the order types delivery and collection are identical in the standard. If you would like to use order confirmations with separate content, you can activate the button in the area Order confirmation: Pick-up that a separate order confirmation is to be used for the order type Pick-up.

By default, this switch is deactivated so that the order confirmation for the order type Delivery is also used for the Collection.

If you would like to list the name and address of the respective location in your order confirmations, please use the following placeholder: {ShopAddress}

Dispatch of vouchers...

Test eMail...

All e-mails can also be sent to any e-mail address as a test, so you can ensure that your stored entries are displayed as desired. All you have to do is enter your recipient address and select the desired language. Then click on the button Send Test eMail.

Webshop invoice dispatch via NoCOO (Digital Invoice Directory)

If you would like to send the invoice digitally to your shop customers, you can activate this in the email settings of the webshop.

Invoices are only sent when the respective transaction has been completed at the POS.

Please ensure that all locations participating in the shop require a licensed and set up NoCOO system.

Please ensure that you have defined the appropriate A4 invoice forms for all order types you use, such as a web voucher purchase.

To do this, please activate the button Activate invoice dispatch with NoCOO:

You can adapt the e-mail subject and content to your requirements:

Please use the placeholders {NoCOOLink} and {NoCOOPIN} to have the respective NoCOO access data inserted by our system.

You can check your settings per language via the test e-mail function.

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