Shop Shopping cart

After adding an item to the shopping basket, the user is asked whether they want to be taken to the shopping basket or continue shopping:

In the shopping cart you can see all the products you have ordered, correct the quantity and queries, and determine the amount of the tip. In addition, a comment can be added to each item.


In the shopping cart you can see all the products you have ordered, correct the quantity and queries, and determine the amount of the tip. In addition, a comment can be added to each item.


The tip query in percent can be preset by you in the settings of the shop and can be adjusted by the user via slider from 0-50% or the user can enter a free amount. Tip in percent is always rounded to a full 10th place after the decimal point.

minimum order value

The optional minimum order value (for the order type delivery) is also displayed in the shopping cart, if this has not yet been reached. In this case the order cannot be continued.

If the order meets all requirements it can be placed with Order now.

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