Service pack 16 hotfix 13 from 09.07.2024

Software bug tracker

To the current Software bug tracker

Preview: Use and print web voucher layouts directly at the POS

Initial documentation for internal test requirements, delivery will take place in future updates: Sell and create vouchers with your layouts at the POS

mPOS performance update

With this hotfix, we are distributing another extensive mPOS/PayPOS performance update on the following topics:


The Orgasoft.NET extension is now available, allowing you to combine merchandise management with supplier interfaces with Hypersoft Stock Management: Hypersoft & Signum Orgasoft.NET co-operation

eSolutiuons, Webshop and YourAPP news

Current versions and functions of the eSolutions...

The eSolutions shops and apps are not updated for all customers on a cut-off date. Rather, it is a continuous development process of a single programme version in which, depending on the requirements for one customer group, certain areas have already been completed, while developments are still pending for another customer group with different requirements. A new version is developed approximately every week and all shops are updated in a cycle of several weeks.

If a date is entered under Available from..., then all customers have this shop version on this date and usually also this SOT version.

If Available as of... is entered for a version, this version is still being tested, which is why no installation date can be given at this point. The details of such a version give a preview of the functions that will soon be available.

versions always contain all the functional enhancements of the previous versions, e.g. version 1.2.1129 also contains the functional enhancements of the previous versions 1.2.1116, 1.2.1114 etc.

The delivery of the programme versions for YourAPP then takes place rather successively, so that different version statuses are in use at the same time. The apps in the YourAPP project are updated after consultation with the brand owner.

version Available from




eSolutions and portal Function or remark
1.7.0716 25.07.2024     X Sub-queries are now displayed in a separate dialogue.
        X By entering parameters in station management, different product ranges and/or price levels can now be stored for each location when starting SOTs.
        X The SOT now supports additional languages using the translation function in the portal and article master.
    X X   The animations when pressing queries and checkboxes have been optimised.
    X X   Sporadically, the symbol of the set currency was not displayed correctly.
    X X   Optionally, the comments per shopping basket can now be deactivated in the portal.
    X X   The payment method Sofort by Klarna is converted to Klarna Pay Now. (The conditions remain identical).
    X X   Optimisation of the "order more" dialogue on small screens.
    X     The Android app now supports Google API Level 34.
1.7.0621 ... X X   The article labels have been optimised so that less space is used below the product images.
    X X   When entering the phone number for the ePing/DigiPager, the country prefixes for DE, AT and CH are now displayed at the top.
    X X   For "In house" orders with payment, it could happen that the user was not redirected back to the order confirmation page after completing the order.
      X   The entry of the phone number for the ePing/ DigiPager is now recognised by the browser as a "mobile phone number" and pre-assigned if data is available.
    X     Support for the latest Google FCM version for sending push notifications.
1.7.0531 13.06.2024 X X   The note on the ePing/DigiPager can now contain an additional optional text, e.g. for issuing the order.
    X     Coupons are now displayed in a new tile view including the expiry date.
    X X   The phone number in the order confirmation can now be pressed to initiate a call directly.
    X X   The dialogue for the query "To shopping cart, continue shopping" could have an incorrect background colour for some colour combinations.
        X The item description was accidentally hidden in the item overview if no item image was stored.
        X The query is now skipped for recipe linkages with only one recipe contained.
    X X   The dialogue for the query "Continue ordering or to shopping cart" now contains an additional option "To product overview".
1.7.0517 05.06.2024 X X   For items with (extended) time control, it was possible to set the delivery or collection time outside the order times for these items. The shopping basket will now be checked to see whether the respective items can be ordered at the desired delivery or collection time.
    X X   The item details and queries are now reset after the item has been added to the shopping basket.
    X X   If a coupon QR code was successfully scanned that did not meet the specifications, scanning was cancelled and no error message was displayed.
    X     When scanning table or coupon codes, display errors could occur on some end devices.
        X The automatic complete data synchronisation at the start of an SOT has been deactivated again, as the synchronisation errors with the previous version have been fixed.
        X In rare cases, it could happen that the SOT is supported if a query item was synchronised incorrectly.
    X X X Queries now also take time control and extended time control into account.
    X     On iPhones, a new card can now be stored within a payment transaction with Apple Pay if no valid card existed.
    X X   Adjustments to the layout of the payment methods in connection with "Pay with Google"

Archive of older versions...

mPOS, mPOS Client-Server and PayPOS versions and distribution

The mobile POS system from Hypersoft is at home on a wide variety of end devices, from professional hardware to private Apple mobile phones, from Windows to Android, and you can even use the useful functions efficiently on payment terminals from Adyen and PayTec. Here you will find an overview of the new versions that may not be distributed via Hypersoft and therefore not at the same time:

  mPOS mPOS mPOS client mPOS client mPOS client mPOS client mPOS client mPOS client
Variant: Handheld Tablet Rocket (2) (Project Zebra)

Freestyle iOS

& permanent installation*

Freestyle Android

& permanent installation

PayPOS for Adyen PayPOS for PayTec





Apple Store

Google Play Store

Adyen portal PayTec
mPOS Hotfix 13





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mPOS Hotfix 12





/ / / / / /
mPOS Hotfix 10











mPOS updates are automatically applied to clients unless they need to be customised.

( ) = planned

/ = No update, previous version also valid here.

... = Contents result from updating

- = No information.

*Permanent installation = With the Freestyle apps for Android and Apple iOS, you also have the option of installing an mPOS client on a device and setting it up permanently as an mPOS client, as we do with the Rocket (2), for example. Further documentation: Call up and activate the app for freestyle and permanent installation = Release date is not yet fixed.

VD = version date. The mPOS versions on the mPOS handheld and tablet remain the same even with many changes. The reason for this is that version changes for Microsoft Mobile Devices for handhelds require a time-consuming installation process, which we largely spare everyone. By changing the date, you receive the updates unnoticed, so to speak. The date is therefore part of the version here.

In all variants, the mPOS version numbers are displayed when you start your mPOS programme.

Hypersoft // System News

This area displays all changes due to updates and upgrades in the following categories. By default, delivery takes place within approx. 20 days via the clientele, so it can take a correspondingly large number of days before you receive an update. If you are urgently waiting for a new feature, you can schedule an update after consultation with our support.

Change management (changes)

Service pack 16 hotfix 13 from 09.07.2024

  • Hypersoft mPOS: After receiving an occupancy warning (reservation for addressed process available), you can check in immediately after a query.

  • Hypersoft mPOS Client: The mPOS client programme checks every minute whether the IIS is accessible. If not, a message appears and the start attempt is repeated (occurs when components such as slave servers are switched off).

  • NoCOO: A NoCOO QR code is now also displayed with a normal invoice that contains a NoCOO QR code (the display was previously limited to NoCOO short receipts).

Archive Change Management...


Service and Benefits (New)

Service pack 16 hotfix 13 from 09.07.2024

Archive Services and Benefits...


Administrators and installers (technical information)

Service pack 16 hotfix 13 from 09.07.2024

  • PMS Interface Standard: New hotel type for the Hypersoft Standard PMS interface integrated.

  • Clou Mobile for Orderman: The programme will be discontinued at the end of 2024. You must assume that Orderman Classic devices and CLOU MOBILE for Orderman with updates, service packs or hotfixes can no longer be used after this date.

Archive Administrators and Installers...


Quality management (improvements)

Service pack 16 hotfix 13 from 09.07.2024

  • Article import: If you activate the switch to import text and do not enter any text, there was a programme error.

  • Item Master :

    • The online order query headings of the recipes could be edited at the site, but these were not used anywhere (as these are specified from the head office).

    • All printouts that output recipe ingredients now take into account the different free names of the ingredients.

  • Stock service: Components of a product that are not available in a location (with head office) are no longer debited from stock. This resulted in shortages of items that were not even available at the location.

  • Data backup: The FTP access test function also responded incorrectly with OK if an error occurred due to missing authorisation.

  • Hypersoft mPOS:

    • Test for hypersoft support in phantom mode.

    • The printer redirection now also takes card receipts into account.

    • Improved handling of the Bluetooth printer on the mPOS Client (in conjunction with PayPOS). The messages overlapped and could no longer be operated.

    • Change payment type did not take into account a new status in the journals and therefore did not display all transactions.

    • During a splitting process, the internal split table number was used instead of the table number.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • If a voucher was topped up within a transaction and also used as a means of payment for the transaction itself, the printed voucher value showed the value before the voucher was redeemed.

    • The copy printing of transactions containing a voucher sale, where the receipt form for the vouchers was set to an A4 printer, resulted in a crash.

    • If a tip was entered in a split transaction that was cancelled by a cashless payment attempt when the transaction was completed again, the tip was given the transaction number of the temporary transaction (- 9000x).

    • If a Hypersoft operator wants to work at the POS, the system checks whether they have logged in to the MCP. The phantom mode and the function Work as operator now also check this congruently. If the application does not exist in the MCP, processing is rejected.

    • If you have selected a customer card for a transaction and pressed Back or Cancel when asked whether the customer should be assigned to the transaction, the customer number was incorrectly retained internally in the memory.

    • When the graphical table overview is called up, the keyboard is locked immediately and released again once the table overview is complete. This means that parallel calls, such as editing processes or using other functions, are not possible in parallel.

    • After the immediate cancellation of an item and subsequent rejected booking attempt of an item due to availability, subsequent bookings were no longer printed on the overview receipt.

    • The blocking of the target customer is now checked before the customer transfer and, in the event of a block, the transfer is rejected with a corresponding message.

    • In the Search bookings dialogue, the correct transaction number is now displayed for online order transactions and not the internal "5xxxxxxxxx" file number.

    • By double-clicking on item search, the dialogue is displayed behind the POS dialogue.

  • In-House Order: The Smart Swap settings for In-House Orders are now correctly supported.

  • Kitchen Monitor System: A station copy caused a delayed refresh of the "original" and vice versa.

  • Master transaction overview: In the booking list function (from the POS), other elements were erroneously in the foreground.

  • MixMatch: The loss posting of articles via MixMatch did not work.

  • NoCOO: If it is selected in the station settings that the PIN should be integrated in the NoCOO QR code, this was not applied to the QR code shown on the graphic customer display.

  • deposit system:

    • In the case of formulations, certain constellations could lead to a deposit not being calculated for an ingredient.

    • In future, incorrectly transmitted vending and deposit transactions will be intercepted, checked internally and corrected if necessary.

  • PMS Integration: In the event of temporary connection interruptions to the data exchange path, dropped files were not processed after the connection was re-established.

  • Report Manager:

    • If two payment types with the same name are set up, the total on the operator payment type report was only correct with regard to the total, but the individual total was too high.

    • The history could not be clearly listed for voucher tracking in the report manager. This has now been improved and expanded so that the "Payment" info can now be supplemented by topping up and redemption.

  • Stock Management:

    • An internal error could cause certain PCs to crash when receiving goods.

    • When cancelling a goods receipt, a previously calculated DEK is now calculated backwards again.

    • The variable "&E" on the order documents was filled incorrectly if an article had to be "ordered" instead of being transferred (stock level = 0).

    • The switch in the article master to debit stock at the storage location of the VKS is now also taken into account in the component of a recipe (it was only taken into account when booking basic articles).

  • Vending: If incorrectly configured vending machines transmit incorrect bookings to the POS, these will be recognised and ignored in future. Such incidents are entered in a log.

  • Web clearing: Using cancellation reasons of the master client from the head office did not work in some cases and new cancellation reasons were also not transmitted.

  • Webshop: The specifications of the station to be used for the master data retrieval in the webshop were incorrect if a new location was created based on an existing one.

Archive Quality Management...


Further documentation: 2024 News Archive