Registration by code from the portal

Using a login code from the portal, central users (or users of a sub-central) can log on to the MCP of sites even if there is no Internet access (e.g. yet). For this, however, one must also be generally authorised for access at the site via this route. As a user, you can retrieve this code from the portal via your account.

Select MCP Offline Access Code:

The username is necessary as always. The code is entered in the MCP instead of the password. It is valid for the current day at the MCP and only for this user.

ATTENTION: This function can only be used by users who have been logged in to the MCP of the location at least once before.

In the area at 0:00 o'clock it can come because of the daily change to the refusal code acceptance. In this case, wait a few minutes and try again - if necessary with a new token for the new day.

Further documentation: Logging On and Logging Off at the MCP

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