Magnetic cards in general

You can use cards with magnetic stripes with the Hypersoft POS cash register system. These must be labelled according to a fixed specification.

The use of magnetic cards is project work that must be planned as soon as it goes beyond the documented functionality.

This topic concerns project work that is subject to planning.

The Hypersoft // system is a standard programme that can be used in many different configurations. The correct application of the topics described here requires expert knowledge and an alignment of expectations, and not all Hypersoft employees and partners are equally trained in all of the topics labelled in this way. For this reason, we characterise these topics as project work requiring planning, so that you can contact your Hypersoft sales partner or Hypersoft Support in good time with this necessary planning. This approach ensures that we record your requirements carefully and respond to them in a targeted manner.

Magnet - customer cards

(Barcode cards and QR-code cards are also possible).

Type: 300 Oe LoCo

On tracks 1 or 2 of the magnetic card.

Note for the use of track 2: Track 1 must be empty and track 2 must have less than or equal to 14 characters.

Example: 55555555555504000000001


5555555555 10 x 5

04 Customer card recognition

000000001 Customer number 9 digits (fill left with zeros)

Please note that the number on the card does not have to be the customer number. The number can be assigned in the customer master to any customer and thus to any customer number.

If you would like to order 1000 pre-coded customer cards, for example, order the number of:

55555555555504000000001 to


Customer cards and numbers

The customer base assigns consecutive numbers when the customer is entered via the CLOU. The number can also be entered manually in the MCP.

There are no freely adjustable number ranges. 7 digits are used (5 digits customer number and 2 digits branch number). In principle, cards can be freely assigned to customers. A scanned card automatically selects the customer, this card cannot be assigned to any other customer.

If you produce cards yourself, the card numbers should not be numbered too simply, possibly the Hypersoft customer number followed by a 5-digit consecutive number.

Magnetic employee cards for own processes

The employee card opens an employee operation for your own consumption.

On track 1 of the swipe card:

5555555555 10 x 5

06 Recognition of employee card

000000001 Personnel number 9 -digit (fill left with zeros)

Employee card for operator login

5555555555 10 x 5

02 Operator card recognition

Waiter number 9 -digits (fill left with zeros)

Compatibility of card schemes Back to the parent page: