Compatibility of card schemes
There are many card systems with different codes or data carriers such as chips, tags and others). Usually several systems come into question in projects. However, certain techniques and devices are not compatible with all requirements and certain devices.
For orientation within the manifold possibilities, we explain technology, meaning and background and show the possible applications in tabular form.
When assigning monetary values to barcode cards, remember that these codes can be easily copied.
Different media...
First of all, card systems have successfully established themselves in people's everyday lives. Data carriers in EC card format are often used so that customers, your guests, can understand the handling more easily. In special areas, it can also be wristbands (swimming pools / saunas) or lanyards / cards worn around the neck (festivals, fairs). However, the current trend is towards virtual maps in the user's smartphone, as this can have numerous advantages. Here, too, maps are often reproduced visually to make it easier for the user to carry out the learned applications.
Social impact of the media...
A "platinum card" (example) defines social status. For you as a brand owner, the task is to provide your customers with status in the context of their environment with an affiliation. The cause of the status depends on your marketing concept and CI, or on the interests of your customers. The "easiest and at the same time most boring" can be price advantages (there are of course also exciting price advantages). Collecting points and rewards can already be considered intelligent, thus the customer is smarter than others. If they can only participate in events or other benefits with your card - and if this is also appreciated by those who cannot - then you have established a successful system. (Heavily abbreviated marketing strategy to illustrate map systems).
Thus, it can be important how the card is designed, usually the higher quality the better. This also applies to maps in the smartphone. With which we would like to point out the necessity of a 100% high-quality design of your digital information.
Technical purpose of a map...
It is true for all systems that a map (both physical and in the smartphone) "points" to a record in the Hypersoft system. You can thus address the customer data securely and quickly. By default, all other information is generated and stored in databases on site or in the cloud.
The only exceptions are certain transponder cards that can, for example, store money credits "directly in themselves". This technology is used less and less, but it enables use without all components having to be networked.
Technical differences of the media...
- RFID cards (contactless reading) are available in numerous variants. Some techniques are designed so that they can only be read, others can also be described, but precisely this cannot be done by all devices and in all circumstances. A Mifare (a leading RFID standard) compatible reader does not mean that you can write to any Mifare card in any area.
- All cards have a unique number, such as the barcode or the chip in the RFID card. RFID cards are supposed to have a unique ID. In the Hypersoft standard, an account is created in our database - just like with your bank with the EC card. If devices are not connected, Hypersoft uses RFID cards on which one can store and manages the account in a secure area of the RFID chip (also called cash segment). Writing in this secure area is usually subject to special third-party security regulations. For example, when using Legic, the readers and special access data have to be supplied by special suppliers. A special feature of Hypersoft in such solutions is the ability to manage the accounts not only on the chip but also in parallel in the database. This has an elementary positive impact on the reporting system. Hypersoft uses as an efficient combination of security and flexibility in RFID technology mostly special Mifare chips.
- The QR code with optional PIN currently has the greatest variety of functions for marketing: the code is automatically readable, can be read on a smartphone and can also display a landing page. With Hypersoft, for example, it can optionally be secured with a PIN as a web voucher. The readers can also read barcodes (can be used twice).
- In some cases, systems are already in place that dictate the technology: for example, time recording or access control. If only one card per person/user is to be used, you don't have to switch everything to the same system. Sometimes it is better to combine the systems. Barcodes and QR codes, for example, can be printed on a transponder card. We even supply small Mifare stickers that you can have designed and then stick on your existing cards. In many cases, two RFID technologies can be used on one card.
Technology and compatibility
Table 1
Read RFID | RFID Writing | In point-of-sale terminal integrated (1) |
Orbit compatible | Orderman compatible MAX (2) |
Orderman compatible OM7 (2) |
swipe card | - | - | model-dependent | no | (accessories) | Accessories |
barcode | - | - | no | yes | no | Accessories |
QR code | - | - | no | yes | no | Accessories |
order card (EM 4101-2) |
yes | no | model-dependent | no | yes | yes (accessories) |
RFID ISO | yes | yes/no | model-dependent | no (special model possibly) |
rather not | read |
MIFARE | yes | (possible) | model-dependent | no |
rather not | read (write) |
MIFARE DESFire | yes | (possible) | model-dependent | no | no | no |
Legic | yes | (with partner company) | rather unfeasible | no | rather not | rather not |
(possible/not at all) means that there will be more or less effort to support it, depending on the application. There may be additional costs and waiting times for offers and implementation.
(1) The integratability refers to the standard of the current product range. On request, devices can be integrated as a special service.
(2) The Orderman MAX had special readers in the offer beside the Ordercard, these are discontinued by the manufacturer and have restrictions. The Orderman 7 can read Mifare, possibly also write later with restrictions. Here the new firmware of the manufacturer is not finished. The desire to also use Legic has hardly been used in practice at Orderman.
Table 2
voucher Manager (a) |
web vouchers PIN optional (b) |
process cards |
Process cards Easy Check-In |
loyalty cards | Prepaid cards | |
swipe card | yes (c) | (possible) | no | yes | yes | yes |
barcode |
yes |
(possible) | (can) | yes | yes | yes |
QR code | yes (c) |
yes |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
order card EM 4101-2 |
no | (possible) | no |
yes |
yes | yes |
RFID ISO | no | (possible) | no |
yes |
yes | yes |
MIFARE | no | (possible) | no |
yes |
yes | yes |
MIFARE DESFire | no | (possible) | no | yes | yes | yes |
Legic | no | (possible) | no | (possible) | (possible) | (possible) |
(possible/ rather not) means that it takes more or less effort to support this, depending on the desired use. There may be additional costs and waiting times for offers and implementation.
(a) The voucher manager can also print barcodes on cash register printers and thus create simple vouchers "on demand". Copied vouchers can be a security risk. There are many variants and functions:
(b) The web vouchers were specially developed for use with QR codes. It includes web functions such as mails, online forms and PHP interfaces, so that the QR code can be used to redirect to a landing page. A PIN can be activated if there is an increased need for security. Web vouchers can be used especially across locations and can account for the simultaneous cross-location expenditure and income correctly and in an easily understandable manner. This is done easily and comprehensibly from an accounting point of view within several locations of a company and also between different companies.
(c) In order to use QR codes or magnetic cards with the Voucher Manager, these must be pre-produced and set up as quotas.
The CLOU-Mobile for Orderman supports the order card and the magnetic card for the card types transaction card and customer card.
Customers and cards
A customer may receive one or more cards . This varies depending on the system used.
A card (e.g. magnetic card or transponder card) can be connected. Each card can optionally have a fixed pricelevel, a fixed reason for loss or a discount rate in the customer base. If the customer is then identified with the data medium, the price level, reason for loss or discount rate that was stored together with the card applies.
Two different card types are used within MOBILE PEOPLE:
- Customer cards can be used to identify the customer, and with optional credit for payment. Customer cards can be transponder cards, magnetic cards or barcode cards.
- Transaction cards can also be used to identify the customer. They are suitable for use in a cashless area, or where you want to give credit to your customers. The maximum balance of the operation is determined by the Limit field in the card. Transponder cards or magnetic cards can be used as transaction cards.
Both card types maintain a customer account, whereby the customer card must have the corresponding credit balance (which has been loaded beforehand) for payment and the transaction card can be used within the specified limit (which must have been set when the customer card was set up). Each transaction card creates its own transaction, so that a customer assigned to multiple transaction cards can have multiple transactiones open simultaneously. Transaction cards also have the special feature that they can also be used without a link to a customer (see details on Cashless Area). The use of customer cards is currently limited to a single open transaction - a customer transaction.
You can conclude transactions with the payment category customer account (+) independently of cards and accounts. The customer is then assigned an open item, which can be paid at any later time either in cashier mode or booked using the MOBILE PEOPLE Invoice program.
If you work with customer cards and credit balances, you can prioritize the use of the credit balance for payment so that automatically available credit is used when using customer cards.
Further documentation: Cashless Top-Up Terminal
For use as data carriers, we recommend transponder cards for quick check-in and canteen systems, as they are reliable and can be used almost indefinitely, or barcode cards, as they are particularly inexpensive. The Hypersoft Suite supports different systems, but not all peripherals and functions can be used with all types in the same way. Only one system can be selected within a client.
Choose between:
- Ordercard Reader (EM 4002) (a possible standard)
- Mifare
- Possibly Legic
- SKIDATA (project work requiring planning)
- Dallmayr Card
The Ordercard Reader for the Orderman product range is the most common transponder technology and is supported in different devices. The order card can only be read but not written to. With the order card, the information is not managed on the card, but in the database of the POS system. The systems with Mifare, Legic and SKIDATA (ISO read, write according to own procedure) can also be written to and store the current total and other information directly on the card. They are then suitable for the exchange of information in areas or with devices that are not networked.
Further documentation:
You can also use cards from the German Golf Association at CLOU and CLOU Mobile. Activate the setting and use the membership cards like your own magnetic cards with MOBILE PEOPLE. Patterns:
In the MOBILE PEOPLE settings the support of the cards must be activated. The cards can then be assigned to customers in the Cards tab of the customer master. During assignment, a card number is generated in MOBILE PEOPLE from the club number and the membership number. The year is not taken into account, so an expiration date is not managed by MOBILE PEOPLE.
Further documentation:
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