Export: Lists and Export

With Lists and Export you can print lists and export data. The program is divided into customer lists and employee lists. The data can also be saved in Excel format and thus offer the possibility to create mails or to offer the data to other programmes for use.


You start the program either from the program group Staff Organizer or from MOBILE PEOPLE.

Use is in this order:

  1. Create your queries.
  2. If necessary, edit the default layout and save it as an individual template if necessary.
  3. Save your settings as your list.
  4. Create the list and select Print or Export.
Element / Switch Function / Description
Customer List or Employee List Tab Use the tabs to choose whether you want to work with customer or employee lists.

Click New to create a new list.

edit Press Edit to edit an existing list.
Delete Deletes the selected list.

Further documentation:

Create new object

result output

Execute action tab

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