Comments on Lifetime
The lifetime is the expected life expectancy of a device. By focusing on lifetime, together we can do a lot for your business success. For example, there is the possibility of extending the service life The service life of an item is the time it can wait for delivery after completion with a tolerable loss of quality. This information can be used together with the preparation time. of some devices through service intervals or avoiding premature failures.
While you regularly change the oil in a motor vehicle (although you don't know anyone who has had engine damage due to old oil), you may ignore the buzzing of your server, which is necessary to keep it running. The following unnecessary disturbances can easily be avoided by setting up a few rules here as well.
Hypersoft only uses devices where we are convinced that we can offer you a good price-performance ratio. More than 90% of our computers work without moving parts, e.g. by eliminating the need for fans due to special heat guiding elements and by using motionless chips instead of rotating hard disks. We were the first providers to do so over a decade ago, so this has long been standard practice for Hypersoft customers and our entire installed base is secure.
Hardly anyone knows that we check almost all device types before use, adapt their operating systems in detail, partly secure plug connections and cables additionally and assemble and test the components of your new system at our premises (burn-in procedure). We also do not commit ourselves exclusively to one supplier, but observe the market offer and select the best for you from all in each case.
In the event of a malfunction, we maintain our own hardware support with repair service and replacement equipment. In an emergency, you will therefore immediately receive a replacement unit and we will take care of your warranty and service needs as your sole contact with our suppliers.
By this service offer and the experiences from the repairs we improve the achievement in this range and have also an own interest to use only long-lived hardware. We also offer our exchange service after the warranty or after the warranty extension.
The Hypersoft programs also do a lot for their security unnoticed. Read more here: Hypersoft Security System
We always assume a maximum utilization of the companies when we plan a cash register system, so that you don't have a bottleneck when cashing. Don't depend on individual components such as a printer in a busy distant kitchen, or a single power supply for all your mobile devices, so a little damage won't be a fiasco for you.
At traffic lights, the lamps are replaced before the end of their service life The service life of an item is the time it can wait for delivery after completion with a tolerable loss of quality. This information can be used together with the preparation time.. This helps to avoid accidents. If you use device management prudently, we can replace devices preventively to avoid costly downtime. We have estimated that an unplanned breakdown of a POS terminal causes an average damage of €1,000 on both sides - without the costs for repair or new acquisition! Even something as profane as the printer pictured above can pose a risk to your restaurant if it fails in the middle of peak hours (which is statistically the most likely scenario).
- At the end of their service life The service life of an item is the time it can wait for delivery after completion with a tolerable loss of quality. This information can be used together with the preparation time., devices have only a small residual value, but a high risk of failure. If you really want to use these residual values, give the devices in payment or for example to an "ebay agency" for sale (there they get the market value).
- At the end of our lifetime we usually still have the right replacement devices at hand. However, if the model has been discontinued for a long time, we can only offer a new purchase. A timely and predictable new purchase, with possible trade-in of intact old devices, can be considerably cheaper.
- In the event of a spontaneous equipment failure, you risk quality and service weaknesses, billing problems and the loss of any control over your revenues.
- Under time pressure (express deliveries, spontaneous journeys) and outside regular working hours, more and more costs and stress arise for everyone involved. The duration of the downtimes is then hardly calculable.
- Replacement devices save the return exchange, but are usually not new devices. They are therefore not meant to extend the expired lifetime of your devices again. After the expiration of the lifetime you can bridge the spontaneous new purchase with it, but this leads to unnecessary additional costs.
The best way to avoid unnecessary costs is to check in time and replace the devices after the lifetime has expired (possibly even with a residual value).
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