Manage stocks in tabular form
Start the stock table from the item master by pressing the button Stockin the upper button bar. The respective storage location, as well as the areas and stocks of all sales outlets are displayed there. In addition, there is a Total Stock column in which the stocks from the sales outlets and those of the main warehouse are totalled:
Individual columns can be shown and hidden with the buttons on the right. By selecting the column headings, the table is sorted alternately in ascending and descending order. In addition, you can set a filter for a specific value by right-clicking with the mouse in a context menu; all filters can also be applied at the same time. By pressing Edit, the respective item is displayed in the item master, for which the item master is "brought to the front".
Use the Large Font option to switch to large font:
Filtering the table view...
With a right mouse click and the selection Filter you can enter filter texts per column, which are applied together immediately at the table view (the result is AND):
A filter can be reset with another right mouse click:
Further documentation: Tabular processing of the item master
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