Channel Item Report

This report shows the bookings per channel, but per item , similar to the channel commodity group report and also has totals grouped by main groups. These bookings are received via the programme Online Order.

The Channel Report can be set to individual channels.

Evaluate booking source (channels) in the channel report

With the optional switch List booking source, the Channel Report becomes a report that gives you a very precise evaluation of the online order bookings and other POS areas involved. For instance:

  • Bookings from in-house order transactions of your users

  • Bookings from mPOS systems or POS systems that are then involved in these in-house order processes by also booking into them.

  • Transfers of online order bookings, which are then transferred to other transactions from the mPOS or POS and thus associated with these bookings.


You can additionally activate the evaluation of the booking source such as POS, mPOS, CloudBOX Live-Connector, etc. The item bookings are then divided according to the "booking source" and grouped accordingly. For example, bookings made to a CloudBOX Live Connector transaction are then divided between guest bookings and operator bookings:

Structure of the headers...

The upper header line of the table with a grey background describes the columns and the unit of the field values. Hypersoft is the channel of choice for the in-house order bookings that the CloudBOX Live Connector transmits as a sub-channel. On the same level, for example, Deliverect could be the channel and Lieferando the sub-channel:

Within the sub-channels you get the totals of the commodity groups:

If an operator with an mPOS is involved in an online order transaction, mPOS is added here as a sub-channel and the mPOS bookings involved in the in-house order transactions are added:

At the end of each sub-channel, you get the corresponding sub-channel involved, at the very end of the report, the totals of the sub-channels involved and the total.



Further documentation:

Channel Payment Report

Channel commodity groups report

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