Online order at the POS

The qualitative coordination of orders with the POS system is crucial for the quality and resilience of the digital part of your business model. It would be just as wrong to prioritize all online orders as it would be wrong not to give them the same technical possibilities that a leading POS system can offer your company.

With the online order function of the Hypersoft POS system, we offer you the solution for all channels, including our 3rd parties for Self-Order Terminals SOT, delivery service channel managers as well as the Hypersoft app, the web shop and the eSolutions Self-Order Kiosk (SOT) kiosk). All orders from these sources can be securely checked in and seamlessly harmonized with your Quick-Service and Full-Service catering services. Of course, the externally entered bookings are stored in Hypersoft in compliance with the law, like all POS bookings, and integrated into the daily accounting.

Components and wording of the online order...

Online Order at POS refers to the visible dialogue for the POS workflow; the Online Order Connector is a programme for data exchange that operates in the background. The term Configure Online Order stands for the possibility of setting up the Online Order Connector, for which it has visible setting areas as described under Configure Online Order.

Online Order Channels Overview

Overview and type of connection.

Portal or service Main channel Sub-channel
banquet professional Hypersoft Partner banquet professional
Deliverect: Deliveroo Deliverect *1 Deliveroo
Deliverect: Delivery Hero Deliverect *1 Delivery Hero
Deliverect: Food Panda Deliverect *1 Food Panda
Deliverect: Just Eat Deliverect *1 Just Eat
Deliverect: Lieferando Deliverect *1 Takeaway Com
Deliverect: Uber Eats Deliverect *1 Uber Eats
Igetnov Hypersoft Partner Igetnov
SimplyDelivery (on request) Hypersoft Partner SimplyDelivery
smoothr Hypersoft Partner smoothr
Webshop (Hypersoft) hypersoft Webshop 2.0
Voucher Shop (web vouchers) hypersoft Webshop 2.0 only voucher
Yoordi Hypersoft Partner Appetita/Yoordi
Free interface 1 hypersoft "-"
Free interface 2 Deliverect *1 Generic Channel
Hypersoft Call Monitor Hypersoft POS Acceptance
Hypersoft customer process Hypersoft POS Acceptance

All 3rd party connected portals and services require a contract with you.

*1 = Requires a contract with Deliverect. If the desired portal is listed in Deliverect but not here, please check the integration status with Hypersoft, as not all Deliverect compatible portals can be automatically supported as a sub-channel.

Online order functions by channels

Tabular overview of the components and functions of our eSolutions Partner and Hypersoft programmes. Hypersoft uses the same interfaces as our partner companies, but each decides the scope of supported services themselves, so that we give you an overview with this and a further comparison of functions in the eSolution App area:

Functions and Software Deliverect Hypersoft Shop



Item blocking list to Shop *1 *2 no yes not known yes not known
Call monitor and interface compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible
Add orders at the location compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible
Image channel support yes yes no yes no
Completion time from POS yes (wait...) not known not known not known
Fibu accounts per channel yes yes yes yes yes
Use customer data at POS *4 yes yes not known not known not known
Onfleet Delivery Platform yes yes not known not known not known
Online Order Interface *a yes yes in the pipeline yes in the pipeline
Price level per channel yes yes not known not known not known
Price level per customer no yes no no no
Discounts item-specific *6 no yes no no no
Flat-rate discounts *6 yes no no no no
Book and automatically allocate discounts yes yes not known not known not known
Service and delivery costs yes yes not known not known not known
Assortments from components no yes not known not known not known
Sub-queries and sub-components no yes not known not known not known
Texts as long information per item yes yes not known not known not known
Text control per location yes yes not known not known not known
Texts in queries freely definable yes yes yes yes yes
Availability item to Shop *1 *3 no yes no no no
Lead times to Shop *1 yes yes no no no
Web voucher sales *1 no yes no no no

*1 = Matching is done using multiple settings while Control of the lead time for Deliverect orders or Process orders on subsequent days.

*2 = If an item is sold that is on the blacklist at the time of shopping cart processing, it will still be posted.

*3 = The stocks of the availability items will be reduced with the number of the affected items, but in this case the booking will not be prevented even if the stock is not sufficient. This means that if the stock of items is not sufficient in the meantime (between intervals, selection in the shop and check-out), the booking will still be made and the stock will be negative. In order to avoid disappointment of the orderer, you can define an additional number of items as a safety margin at item availability in the Hypersoft Shop, which will block the item in the shop before.

*4 = When the shopping cart is retrieved, the customer information or address is checked and, depending on the specifications, a customer, a guest order or even a customer with a different delivery address is stored in the process.

*5 = The service and delivery costs are stored as item allocation in the setting and, if necessary, are also entered in the system. then posted together with the shopping cart.

*6 = Unlike the cash entries, these discounts cannot be subsequently changed to protect the system logic at the cash register.

The price levels to be applied are defined in the portal and, depending on the type of order, are already applied in Webshop 2.0. A different price level from the customer data can also be applied.

*a = The standard Hypersoft eSolutions interface is linked to the Online Order Programme and partner companies can use this.

no status = The function is new and the 3rd parties can implement it As soon as this is done, it will be tested and entered with "yes" here.

Licensing Online Order

Depending on which channels you use, licences are required or included in the Hypersoft products that use Online Order (Webshop, Self Order terminal and others). Please see IF 01: eSolutions and app integrationfor details. As a basis for using the Online Order, you use a Hypersoft POS Full-Service or Hypersoft POS Quick-Service licence.

Further documentation:

Things to note about Online Order

Configure Online Order

Define Online Order Printouts

Online Order Workflow

Route planning

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