Analysis - Turnover and working hours

Depending on the settings, up to six tables can optionally be displayed for this report:

The summation or grouping can be carried out either by sales points and departments or by station group and department. The station groups are defined in the station settings. If no group has been stored for a station, the station name is used. The departments are assigned per point of sale in the masterinformation.

Further documentation:

Group (station group)


Year-on-year comparison in net...

The alternative switch Previous year comparison in net controls whether gross or net is to be analysed.

Group list according to summation specifications...

All personnel costs are completely without any bonuses, therefore only hours * Theoretical hourly wage (whether Theoretical wage 1 or 2 is applied is subject to the specifications in the time recording report).

Cost of sales according to merchandise group collector...

Personnel overview per revenue team...

Operator list according to summation specifications...


Productivity list...

Daily sales comparison based on weekday...

Daily turnover comparison based on calendar day...

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