Book as ordered

If you order goods from suppliers, you have to book these orders (do not book the goods receipt yet, but the status "has been ordered from the supplier"). When you book the order, you inform Stock Management that goods are in stock. If you work with order suggestions from the controller, they will take such orders into account. In addition, a booked order is expected at the transaction-related goods receipt. An order that has not (yet) been booked does not appear there.


Posting a purchase order displays the transaction in different ways. After the issue, you will be asked by the system whether the order can be booked:

Only a booked order has the status Ordered from supplier.

After pressing the Book order button, the following dialog appears:

One or more vendors are listed in the vendor list, depending on the item assignment in the order list. All subsequent entries such as delivery date or reference then refer to all listed suppliers.

Under Note on Delivery, you can enter a free text that is to be sent to the vendor.

The desired delivery date can be selected by pressing the arrow at the end of the calendar. The time can simply be overwritten.

Display print preview shows a preview, otherwise the printing or sending of the order is triggered immediately when you post.

Use a different delivery point is an alternative with which not the address of the master information but one address per delivery point is transmitted to the supplier. The alternative delivery point is managed in the master information.

Further documentation: Edit delivery point

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