Fraud Protection Preliminary financial statements

TSE and GDPdU in Germany

Please note that in Germany, bookings must be signed in a TSE when presenting the receipt for payment. Therefore, you cannot use this function with receipt printing correctly together with a German TSE system. See Provisional closure of operations not compatible with TSE.

When you work in a restaurant, the requirements for completing an operation are many and varied. Normally, a payment document is presented to a customer without it being clear how the transaction is to be paid. However, the payment type should be fixed for evaluations and for the user settlement and the transaction should be posted accordingly. This fact requires an interim calculation.

The procedure that is usually used in gastronomy therefore deserves a close look: most cash register systems also determine the payment method when a transaction is completed. As a result, the correct method of payment is often not used. The process is then reopened (usually time-consuming), or the operators are given the alternative of creating any interim invoices to present them for payment. With such procedures, an unexpected repeat order from customers could even be perceived as annoying, or it would even be easier not to charge for this repeat order - regardless of the motive. The Hypersoft POS system even offers you several practice-oriented solutions for this circumstance, which we present in the following sections.

Automatic application for orders at payment terminals...

At the beginning of a payment order given to a payment terminal, it must be ensured that no further bookings can be made on the transaction from this point on. This is achieved with the automatic triggering of the cash register function Preliminarily Complete Transactions.

Blue tables are closed...

If a process remains in the status of provisional completion due to malfunctions (the table key is displayed in blue or the table is blue), the process can be processed further as described below in the section Cancel provisional completion.

Closing operations provisionally

With the checkout function provisionally close transactions you can put the transaction into a status in which it is parked, so to speak, and only the payment method and additional tip can be added as information. We recommend that you create this checkout function together with an interim invoice. The interim invoice can be an appropriately designed form that refers to the subsequent effective invoice (which is created when the payment type is posted). It is also possible, however, that depending on the method of payment, no further form printing is necessary.

If you use the function alone on a key, the operation is closed in the same way as with the cash register function New balance. Make sure that you add any necessary functions to your macro (such as printing manual receipt orders, resetting the price level, or releasing menu items).

When you recall a provisionally completed transaction, you are automatically redirected to the cash register function Payment method query. This prevents intermediate invoices from being created as often as required.

Cancel provisional accounts

The cash register function Cancel provisional accounts osure can be made available to operators via the corresponding operator authorisation.

It makes it possible to cancel the provisional closure of operations so that these operations can be used normally again. The cancellation of the Provisional Closing thus gives accurate employees the opportunity to record the facts and, for example, collect the interim invoice.

If the transaction is selected with this authorisation, the multi-payment for the transaction is started in order to be able to settle it.

Close transactions temporarily with cash drawer

If you are temporarily closing a transaction and this requires opening a cash drawer, you can set this up as follows:

  1. Add the cash drawer open cash drawer function as a function macro before the cash drawer function Complete procedure temporarily (the cash drawer will not be opened in this case when the button is pressed).
  2. When you enter the payment method later, the Hypersoft POS system takes into account that the operation has been completed for the time being and searches for the cash register functions (as described in item 1. described) in a macro. If this is present, the system now opens the cash drawer for the transaction afterwards (if you use more than one key with the function Complete transaction provisionally, the system only searches for one row after the other until the first appearance of the cash function on the keyboard in the sequence from top left vertically downwards).

Further documentation:

The different form types

Postings to activities

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