types of forms
There are different types of forms that are suitable for different purposes. Each form is assigned the appropriate type in the form settings.
Before you deal exclusively with the form types here, take a look at the additional possibilities when usingNoCOO - Digital Billing.
Best Practice external presentation of documents
Unfortunately, there are still people who spread information with half-knowledge just to get attention. For example, our customers have already been approached negatively about pro-forma receipts, although Hypersoft systems are purchased precisely for reasons of tax security in connection with the complex requirements of modern POS systems.
These people assume that the pro forma receipts, interim invoices, receipts for payments to rooms, to club accounts and the like, which are necessary depending on the type of operation and wor kflow, would be an indication of tax evasion instead of recognising them as necessary and legally required declarations to avoid double taxation.
For security in external presentation, it is therefore best if you always create an invoice and use the NoCOO system for this purpose, as its digital invoices leave no room for interpretation. If you cannot always use invoices, use the header and footer texts (or layout functions for Windows or online invoices) for documents that are intentionally not intended as invoices, if necessary for information about the background to avoid misunderstandings. Examples:
- You will receive this receipt "In Room" instead of an invoice, as you will receive the invoice at check-out.
- This short receipt leads you to your invoice, which is already correctly booked online and waiting for you.
- You will receive this document "Customer payment" instead of an invoice, as you will receive the invoice by e-mail.
- This is a "pro forma document". After the payment you will receive an invoice with the payment method indicated.
In a restaurant it may be better to present the customer with a provisional or interim invoice and even work with pro-forma or free type. Since "pro forma" can be misleading as a document heading, use "your document" or "accounting", for example, so that the difference to a hospitality receipt becomes clear. Some examples of the benefits:
- In connection with (PMS) / hotel systems you clarify the taxation. You see Tax coordination between PMS and POS
- You want to post the correct payment method when you create the invoice. If the customer asks for "the bill" in a full-service restaurant, it might be rude to ask how to pay. You submit an interim invoice, whereupon the customer/guest first indicates which payment type he/she wishes to receive.
- The customer/guest requests an interim invoice from you.
- Guests/customers often only accept a receipt for hospitality if the hospitality expenditure is also printed out. Since this consumes a lot of paper and "doesn't always look good", you can use a pro forma invoice. If, however, you have entered VAT on a pro forma form, you will not be charged VAT. the program writes a text to ensure that it is not an invoice. So those who are interested in a bill can see this and ask for it. Note: If necessary, write "Short billing - saves paper" in the footer of the pro forma document.
- If the customer requests a hospitality receipt after submitting the pro forma document, you can use the cash register function Edit transaction to change the form type, or you can change the payment type to obtain the corresponding receipt, since the change to this form type does not have to be as protected as invoice forms (it does not have to be collected).
In connection with the Kassensicherungsverordnung 2020 please KassenSichV Bill obligationread .
On Fraud Protection read Fraud Protection Preliminary financial statements.
DIN A4 layout
In addition to the layout for digital NoCOO receipts, you can also design a form in DIN A4 layout and use it to print invoices on Windows printers, for example.
See also the section NoCOO - Digital Billing or especially Activate NoCOO in cash register forms.
Once you have set up NoCOO, you may also want to customise the layout of the receipts that are made available to your customers online. NoCOO vouchers have their own designer for this purpose, the use of which is described in the section Form for NoCOO.
Form type: Free
The free type is suitable for all forms to which the descriptions of the form types invoice or pro forma do not apply. The setting is located here: form type
To create a correct document for Financial Accounting, choose the form type Invoice (hospitality document) only. Your customer can use this document for his financial accounting if you make further settings in accordance with the legal requirements.
When you close transactions with the form type Invoice, the payment information (in addition to the posting journal) is also saved in the invoice journal.
Additional security in this context is provided by special procedures that are available for you in the internal HS-SSP document.
The system uses a consecutive invoice number for each printout. This number can be used in conjunction with the cash register function Reopen Invoice to reopen the transaction.
Example of bills...
Here German invoices with TSE text and QR code or only with text as described in the chapter KassenSichV Bill obligation.
Form (invoice type) with open payment method
If customers ask for the invoice, create it before the payment method is fixed. When you complete the transaction on CASH, the text CASH is located by the invoice total. If you complete the transaction with a card device connected to , a non-cash payment is expected, but the payment method is not yet precisely determined when the invoice is issued. In these cases, the invoice is created with the note Unbar... in the totals line and the payment method (e.g. Mastercard) is added to the system data when payment is made.
If you change the form after the non-cash payment has been made and reissue it or make a copy, you will receive a complete description of the payment method.
Splitting by invoice denied...
As soon as a form with the invoice type has been applied, a split can no longer be performed. If the desire for a split is foreseeable, you should create an interim invoice. To generate an interim invoice, please use the "Free" type, so that a split can still be carried out after printing.
Further documentation: Best Practice external presentation of documents
If invoices need to be renewed, the original invoice should not be used. Always have such receipts collected for safety's sake and simply check this against the operator's report at settlement.
Reopened invoices force the system to print a cancellation document, which is also stored in the invoice journal. This should inform you that the original invoice was cleared by the cancellation document. As an organizational aid, you can add a text to the cancellation document that prompts your employees to collect the previously printed invoice and deliver it together with the cancellation document so that two invoices do not remain in circulation. Please also ask your tax advisor. A reference to the original operation number is also included.
You should always use the form type Invoice in interface with documentable payments, such as credit and EC cards, since you must assume that these documents must also be stored for you (and not just for the recipient). The program checks the form type Invoice and protects a transaction completed in this way from unconscious subsequent changes that could lead to the document used by your customer not matching your postings (for example, confusion of a transaction in a subsequent correction). Note: An unnoticed manipulation of the turnovers is not possible in any case, because reopened transactions generate offsetting entries which are saved in the booking journal.
You can also create copies of invoices with the cash register function Edit transaction. If the transaction is in a previous settlement period, the targets transaction from: xx.xx.xxxx and delivery to: xx.xx.xxxx are added.
Further documentation: Edit Transactions
If your customers do not normally require hospitality receipts, you can also use a pro forma receipt.
The Hypersoft POS system uses a numbering system that is independent of the invoice numbers. The respective number can be used to reopen the transaction using the Pro-Forma reopen cash register function.
If this type is selected and the form is on the keyboard, a document is printed with headers and footers only. These can be organizational documents, for example.
Payment confirmation with vouchers
If customers pay with vouchers, subtotals of the invoice amount are formed on the form and the voucher payments are deducted. This can be one voucher and there can be several vouchers. Often (if the amount of the voucher is sufficient or exceeds the amount of the payment) the amount Cash Total remains:0,- (zero).
If there is a residual amount left, the Cash Total value can be decisive to ensure that the remaining amount is paid correctly. In order to provide constant information, Cash Total is also issued with a remaining amount of 0,-. The format of Bar Total can be set to normal or highlighted in the form.
A Hypersoft GoBD/GDPdU note is printed on invoices. This indicates the program level/service pack with which the invoice was created. It also contains the appropriate HS-SSP version number and the source of supply/service of the POS system. This information serves the simplification in the case of examination questions, because often the payment documents are basis for searches during examinations.
If necessary, you can disable the service note/version info (we recommend that you pass it on).
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