Graphics for changes

Order receipts are the most important means of communication in a team. Besides the possibility to highlight texts red with dot matrix printers or to print texts inverted with thermal printers, the possibility to output image files can improve communication enormously. Especially with critical information, the targeted use of graphical elements can help to avoid misunderstandings and to work even more efficiently.

Best Practice Orderbon Pictures say more than 1000 Wait

The customisation of orders is an important individualisation factor and thus important for your business success. The 100% correct application of every deviation and composition is the only correct way and a mistake at this point will cost you customers faster than anyone else in the service. As graphics can be perceived more quickly and safely, we recommend using clear graphics or pictograms for this communication.

You can store several images per item in the item master using several image channels. One of these channels should be selected for this function. In the system settings, an image channel (image 1 or 2, etc.) must be selected in the item image on receipt print area for printing on order receipts. If an image is then assigned to the item in the selected image channel, then this will be displayed on the order form (please bear in mind when testing that you have saved the entries and the cash registers have been updated).

Image channel in the global station settings and in the item master exemplary:

Especially for queries and attachments the function can be very useful, because special wishes of customers should be implemented 100% if possible. If, for example, you choose the type of frying, the degree of spiciness or other special features, a corresponding picture on the order receipt can highlight this wish.

Note the rules for master data updates and master data distribution. Dialogs are to be closed and programs are to be restarted if necessary. In a network of several locations with headquarters, the rules for distributing master data must also be observed.

Image files and templates

The maximum size you must respect is b192 x h440 pixels and the default format is monochrome bitmap (a Windows standard for small file sizes). You should not make the image files larger than absolutely necessary so that the overall impression of the order receipt remains positive. The printout on dot matrix printers can also take some time.

The function is also available for locally controlled printers / offline printers. The stored images are synchronized from the server to the local POS terminal during startup and master data update.

Hypersoft provides you with a small gallery of these image templates (height 80 pixels) that you can use and customize. It's in the program directory: [C:]Closed Placeholder for the local drive, which is usually named as C:.\Hypers-!\Image\ und die Dateien beginnen alle mit Printericon-..</mtlingo>..... Overview:


Print item picture on receipt (select channel) Further documentation:

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