Use subsystems

A subsystem is a separate instance of the checkout programme that runs in the background and does not appear in checkout mode. The subsystem can take care of processing certain tasks in the background while the POS system can be used in the foreground without delay. A typical application of a subsystem is for the use of mobile devices or the bar connection, whose bookings are processed by subsystems. Another possible function is to use it as a virtual cash register, using the Smart Swap function for deviating printer control and similar functions. You then use the possibilities of deviating settings by having the bookings made via the corresponding subsystem depending on the situation. Subsystems run in the computer's info area and can be accessed from there:

Structure of the dialogue subsystem

The subsystem works like the Hypersoft POS system that started it. It does not have a cashier mode input area:

Status series...

Similar to the POS system, the following information is displayed in the top row: online offline (emergency operation) or transaction number, registered operators, in and out status, shift, text information 1 (e.g. item text), unit price.

In the second row, level (price level), opening day, time, (e.g. payment method), total price appear.


Internal information that is also temporarily logged appears in the list. They are used in the case of in-depth research by the support team.


The footer shows the station number and the name of this subsystem , the current date and time (system date and time). and the current internal debug timer.

Internal timer....

The subsystem works (like the POS system) with a timer that processes the requests from various systems (mPOS, eSolutions, SOT, .....) in the background every x milliseconds. The timer is set to 3000 milliseconds. In addition, an algorithm (FileWatcher) monitors the area in which the orders arrive from various systems (mPOS, eSolutions, SOT, .....) so that the timer is reduced to 10 milliseconds until processing when tasks arrive (FileChangeEvent).

Subsystems and Licenses

Subsystems themselves do not require a licence, so for example, with one Hypersoft POS licence, you can start one Hypersoft POS and two other subsystems.

Limitations of the subsystems

The subsystem does not allow keyboard programming that could be used as cashier mode on the same device. The visible subsystem program is a pure information dialog. Since subsystems run in the background, no peripheral devices can be set up in them. The ward management therefore deactivates the settings and displays this in red in this area.

Security system...

An internal security system checks and stabilises up to 64 simultaneously acting subsystems. If you actually need to use more, please let us know.

Suppressed messages and error messages...

Because subsystems operate not only in the background but also on servers and other devices that are not always available, messages (and this includes important error messages) are not output from this checkout station. This increases your responsibility by at least testing all expected functions for proper use during set-up.

Especially when linking eSolutions products with a location via a subsystem, all bookings and printouts should be checked once.

Book operations as care units

Set a station to be used by the subsystem for the bookings.

This setting can be used to determine the station number under which the bookings are stored. This allows you to run several subsystems in parallel using different ward numbers. The postings can thus be stored in such a way that they match profit centers and other evaluations / reports based on the station number. Inventory Management also uses this setting.

Function deactivated in Austria...

The Post Transactions as Station setting is deactivated when you activate Signing (applies to the Austrian Cash Register Act) and therefore cannot be used. The bookings are made there independently of the subsystems with the registered main cash register number.

Setting up a subsystem

To set up a subsystem, first create a new station. Then select a POS station for which you want to set up a subsystem in the station management. This checkout will then start the subsystem together with its own checkout mode.

In the Edit Station dialog press the Subsystemsbutton . From the list on the right, select a station that is to work as a subsystem and click Add. If necessary, repeat the procedure until you have assigned all subsystems. When you exit the dialog, the subsystem is set up.

Subsystems with dispensing systems

Subsystems are suitable for setting up dispensing system connections so that unwanted delays cannot occur.

Make sure that the printer of the dispensing system is assigned to the subsystem that controls the dispensing system. Be sure to complete all form and printer settings, and not just those that you want to be different.

mPOS and CLOU-MOBILE for Orderman

Subsystems support smart swap on mPOS and CLOU-MOBILE for Orderman. This allows you to use the different starting price levels and printer assignment. In general, you can define all settings for form printing differently.

If you work with Smart Swap, the complete order slip and form settings are replaced by the settings of the subsystem. Therefore, make sure that you make all the form and printer settings, and not just those that you want to be different.

Booking numbering and number ranges

Postings in the posting journal are also made in subsystems under the cash desk number of the main cash desk. The numbers of the forms (also invoice numbers) are from the number range of the main cash register. Order receipt numbers are from the number range of the respective subsystem.

Starting Subsystems with Parameters

You can also start subsystems without running the CLOU in cashier mode on the PC. This allows your server to control, for example, one of the interfaces or the CLOU mobile. Use the call parameter 3000 with the POS number as offset to start the CLOU.exe. If you want to start subsystem 25, the call parameter is

...\CLOU.exe 3025.

To set up an automatic start on a ward, use the Remote Commander:Remote Commander

Opening day of subsystems

Subsystems obtain their opening day from the system that started them. If the profit centre of the subsystem does not match the profit centre of the calling system, the opening day is used by the subsystem itself instead. This allows you to close profit centres separately (as intended).

End subsystems

When you exit Hypersoft POS with the cash register function 99 + Execute, the subsystems are also automatically exited. Otherwise, start the subsystems from the taskbar and end this with the end button.

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