Test IIS

The test programme MobileDebug is located in the start menu of the CLOU MOBILE or mPOS. Certain errors can be localized and the server IP can be entered. The program can only be used under the guidance of Hypersoft or a trained reseller.

Further documentation: IIS configuration.

Brief description

The refresh button, with check mark "R" - refreshes the display of the number of connections.

"Autotest, together with hook Continue" always presses the "Test" button.

If "Continue" is active, an error is continued, otherwise autotest is switched off.

ART: loads the item master

TEST: calls the small test function in IIS

WiFi - turns WLAN off and on again.

Thread: starts the number of threads selected in the list and calls the item master. ( simulation of extreme load )

EXIT: Exits the program

LAST: displays the last error if one occurred.

Text field:

Here you may find the feedback messages (depending on the problem situation).

The program does not occupy the entire screen, so you can still reach the settings of the device.

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