Web clearing central location options

You can access the location options via the dialogue Webclearing Central Settings.


If the new function has not yet been used in the centre, the settings of the options remain at the location and can still be configured there. From the first access from the centre, the location is switched so that the settings are then only made via the centre. Location view with central control (upper area in location deactivated):

If a location has not yet transmitted its options (no connection or no restart yet), the options cannot yet be processed centrally.

Settings in the central...

In addition to the address, the Branch manages supplier addresses button also allows you to maintain the number and Ext. Number of suppliers at the location.

Example own options but controlled via the head office (here client 10)...


Central location settings of the web clearing

Central specifications...

If you activate Central Manages Menu Courses, a note appears and the menu courses dialogue is displayed, but can no longer be edited at the location:

The menu paths are then maintained in the head office and transferred from there to the locations (standard for new installations).

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