Pager and Service-Call

Pagers are devices that are handed out to customers as a substitute for the desired service. Customers are then notified via these when they can exchange the pager for the desired service. Alternatively, you can also use digital solutions from Hypersoft that can be integrated into the eSolutions. See our DigiPager/ ePing.


Service-call refers to systems that call service staff from the kitchen (sometimes also from the guests). This is the hardware variant, where transmitters are worn in the kitchen (or on the table) and receivers are worn on the operators' clothing (other variants are integrated in the Hypersoft software).

Pager systems

We recommend and supply you with pager systems which, in our experience, are particularly well suited to the catering industry. The Danish manufacturer Discover Systems has created a particularly good solution with the Silent Ordering System Gästeruf:

Please contact Hypersoft Sales directly if you would like to use the devices in Germany Austria or Switzerland. You will receive the devices from us at a reasonable price, including service. We also offer the system for rent (HaaS).

Coupling pager systems with the POS...

In practice, there are only a few situations in which the pagers can be meaningfully linked to the POS via an interface (even if this is of course technically possible). We usually attach QR codes or barcodes to the pagers, which are scanned when they are handed out to the guests. In an open process, the pager number is stored with it and the subsequent order receipts or the Kitchen Monitor System transport this number until completion. The number is then read with the plating and the guest is called via a simple input.

Service call systems

We recommend and supply the J-Tech service call system, which in our experience is particularly well suited to the catering industry. The Danish manufacturer Discover Systems imports them for us:

Please contact Hypersoft Sales directly if you would like to use the devices in Germany Austria or Switzerland. You will receive the devices from us at a reasonable price, including service. We also offer the system for rent (HaaS).

Pairing a service call with the POS...

In most cases, self-order terminals, guest order systems or in-house order systems are in use today. Here, users can call the service digitally. Outside of these possibilities, service call systems without an interface are used. However, you can assign pager bookings.

Further documentation:

DigiPager/ ePing

Pager query

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