Integrations and Interfaces

A good IT system is never better than the possibilities of connections and interfaces. For this reason we attach great importance to providing you with maximum flexibility and valuable additional functions. Even though Hypersoft has many of its own solutions, you may want to continue working with your specific solution, or another solution from a market leader will more accurately meet your needs. The functionality of the complete solution and therefore your satisfaction is important to us, therefore we support connections of all providers.


The settings for connections are mostly located in two areas: in the MCP interface area for the Windows desktop applications and in the MyHypersoft portal in the main menu under Interfaces.


Interfaces & Partner Companies


Special opportunities: 3rd Party eSolution API


business intelligence annotations

live report
Abrantix connection
myCOCKPIT connection
Genuine Gastro Partner
ETL ADHOGA connection
Sell  & Pick


Catering Vending Banquet annotations

Hypersoft Mifare


Hypersoft Mifare Desfire


Hypersoft Legic



Miscellaneous annotations

Programmes from the
Start cashier mode

also external programs like Music Player

Foreca weather data

current and historical


CRM, Customers, Reservation,
Tickets, shopping baskets, etc.

Import of customer data

manual possible on request

Hypersoft customer card import

project work

Hypersoft Customer Data API


Hypersoft Reservations


Hypersoft Tickets


Hypersoft shopping baskets



Self-Order Terminals SOT annotations
Hypersoft Webshop  

eSolutions Self-Order Kiosk (SOT)

QR Code Payment
QR Code Payment


financial accounting annotations

DATEV Fibu SELF /KNE /OBE Unternehmen Online, compatible with many other accounting systems

Standard Fibu



Voucher & Ticket Systems annotations

Import existing vouchers

manual possible on request

voucher system

voucher system

Hypersoft Web Vouchers
Standard API

voucher system

Hypersoft Web Vouchers
landing page

voucher system
ticket system



ticket system
voucher system
Parking system (severely restricted)
parking system
voucher system


Hotel interface PMS annotations
Classic Link...
Classic Link...
Classic Link...
Classic Link...
Classic Link...
Classic Link...
Classic Link...
infor HMS Integration
infor HMS Integration
Classic Link...
Mews Integration

Classic Link...

Protel Integration

Classic Link...
Classic Link...


Classic Link...
Classic Link...
Classic Link...


cash register systems annotations

3rd Party eSolution API



Kitchen Monitor Systems annotations

Kitchen Monitor System


QSR Kitchen Monitor System

See also comparison table


Marketing annotations

Meta Pixel


signature systems annotations

E-Signature Pad

For documents at the POS


Payroll &
Staff scheduling
DATEV Time data
sales data
Time data bidirectional incl. employee data gastromatic integration

Hypersoft Export

time data
Provide LODAS time data
lohnConsult Supply time data
Wage AH Supply time data
Provide Nesto sales data (B2B IF)
Paisy Provide Paisy time data
Provide PAYCHEX turnover data (B2B IF)

Provide Rota sales data (B2B IF)
SAP interface from Hypersoft


delivery service interface annotations
Delivery Service Chanel Manager
Support fleet management with Onfleet Link...


Mobile Payment
(see also Mobile Apps)

PayPal payment in the webshop

eSolution Payment
TWINT payments with Hypersoft Pay

Hypersoft Pay

luca Pay for Hypersoft POS


Phone annotations

Fritz box!





table reservation annotations

Technology and cooperation partner aleno for reservations, bidirectional integration.



Hypersoft Reservations
API (Hypersoft)


check weigher annotations

Hypersoft Barcode Standard



video annotations

IP/serial video connection
with screen text



Merchandise Management / Stock Management annotations

Goods receipt export


Item data import

Hypersoft goods movements export


Goods Receipt Export to Scopevisio

You see Hypersoft & Signum Orgasoft.NET co-operation



Weather annotations
Weather data for evaluations (also historical)


payment systems annotations

All under Hypersoft Pay

Pay machine S2 SB-cash register(Rossman)  

Further documentation:

3rd Party eSolution API

3rd party voucher integration

3rd Party Customers, Reservation, Tickets API

3rd party customers, reservation, tickets integrations

3rd Party PMS Integration

B2B Integrations and Interfaces

CloudBOX for eSolutions

eSolution integrations

UX/IF Financial Accounting Account Assignment & Export

Accounting interface with DATEV

Stock Management Connections

Delivery Service Channel Manager Deliverect

eSolution integrations

gastromatic integration

Hypersoft POS Connections

Hotel PMS Connections

MOBILE PEOPLE connections

Personnel resource planning and employees

Connection to dispensing systems

smartSCHANK interface

Vending catering and ticketing connections

Hardware overview