Kitchen Preview Manager

The Preview Manager is similar to the Workflow Manager, so please refer to the description Kitchen Workflow Manager if necessary. We cover the special features of the Preview Manager here.

The Preview Manager shows all bookings in advance. This function is similar to the manual release, but additionally enables individual control of the display on which the items are to appear.

By selecting a position that has not yet been assigned or an operation, the possible stations to which the position can now be displayed (in deviation from the original configuration) are displayed in the menu. The standard applies the distribution stored in the item master:

By selecting the heading 301 Preview Manager, you can immediately deactivate the deviating target function and the standard will be applied again. In general, the deviation from the standard can be switched on and off by selecting the heading; when switched on, it is highlighted in red:

Colour settings...

The colours and in particular the different colours for bookings that have not yet been transferred to the kitchen system can be set in the Kitchen Preview Managerarea.

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