Evaluate the TAGs

Via the module selection in the customer master 2.0 you can switch between the modules customer data and evaluations.

The evaluations show you the current settings/assignments of the preferences (tags) as well as characteristics:


The preferences or TAGs can only be set by your users in the shop or the app. All tags that your users set to I like or I don't like are saved in the customer master 2.0 and can be evaluated here. You can filter the evaluation accordingly using the buttons I like and I don't like. The values reflect the number of users who have assigned a tag:

Only preferences / TAGs for which at least one user has been assigned are displayed.

Representation in the customer data

The TAGs assigned by the user are displayed in the customer details:

These settings cannot be edited or "overridden" in the portal, but can only be set by the user within his user profile.

Further documentation: Evaluation of the characteristics

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