ItemTAGs in the customer master

ItemTAGs are properties of items to digitise your customers' likes and dislikes.

These TAGs can be filtered by the user and saved in the user profile so that your users use them as "likes".

Saved preferences are transferred to the customer base 2.0 and can be evaluated across all customers.

Please familiarise yourself with the chapter and subtopics in the TAG and feature management section if you want to work with TAGs.

Workflow for the use of TAGs

  1. Define your TAGs in the portal

  2. Select the type of display in the shop / SOT

  3. Activate the "Use TAGs" button

  4. Assign the TAGs to your items in the Item Master

  5. TAGs can be used by users in the shop / SOT

  6. Evaluate the selection of your TAGs in the customer base

Recommendation for TAG allocation

We recommend that you use item tags sparingly, as users can quickly lose track of a large number of TAGs. Likewise, the space for displaying TAGs in the shop and SOT is limited, so you should not use more than 1-3 TAGs per item.

You should also limit the total number of active TAGs to about 8-12, as users can select them from a list to define their tags (or preferences). A too long list of TAGs can lead to an unwillingness of users to go through the list.

Application of customerTAGs

Customer tags can be used at the POS, mPOS, webshop and SOT. At the POS, the TAGs can be used manually as filters. In the webshop, the TAGs are applied if they are stored in the user profile. At the SOT, these can be selected spontaneously.

Search for items at the POS using customer tags...

In checkout mode, you can filter items by TAGs using the Search item Function function. The search can apply several filters in parallel, so you can filter for additives and allergens in addition to TAGs.

TAGs from the user's point of view in the shop...

See the section Shop tags.


Item tags are part of the POS system and can be used without further licences. The standard licence Hypersoft Customer data base 2.0is also sufficient for use on customer data.

Further documentation:

TAGs and features at the POS

TAGs and features on the mPOS

TAGs and features at the SOT

TAG and feature management

Define ItemTAGs

Evaluate the TAGs

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