Accounting workflow
Certain transactions are transferred from the POS system as payment orders to the accounting system (abbreviation: Accounting) and can be processed there into invoices in DIN A4 format.
The processes can digitally support your direct debit procedure via SEPA mandate. In this case, the open items are considered cleared by creating a file for the automated direct debit procedure (so that you only treat returned direct debits as OPs). All other payment orders get the status as Open items / not clearedwith the settlement.
Preparation of the invoice run
In the Payment Orders view, transactions can be selected and thus determined for an invoice run. If you click on a payment order you will see the positions.
You can enter remarks in the process. This text is printed on the invoice for the customer. After creating invoices, you have the choice of creating single invoices or grouping transactions into collective invoices. However, you can only summarize transactions that have not yet been completed with an invoice form in cashier mode or have already received an invoice number there. Select payment orders in the upper left corner to create new payment orders. By making a selection, you can still determine which payment orders are actually to be included in the invoice run. The invoice run can be executed with the option Collective invoice or Single invoice.
Site selection.
In the modules payment orders, invoices, open items, you can select the desired location via the location selection and restrict the respective contents to this location:
Select your own layouts...
Beside the print templates 1-3 you can choose your own layout.
If Custom Layout is selected and Collective Invoice or Single Invoice is selected, a selection appears that allows you to select one of the layouts and print the Invoice Run (All Selected Payment Orders) with this layout.
If you choose Collective Invoices, the individual invoices of a recipient are combined in a further document. This also applies to the open item thus combined. In all other respects, the settlement is the same as for individual settlements.
Before the invoice run, there is a dialog that displays possible warnings as well as a summary with detailed information about the invoice run. You receive information about the number of invoices and the gross total. SEPA is shown if included. You will also receive information about the number of invoices generated as PDFs and how many can be sent by email. All invoices can be previewed in advance.
The preview allows you to choose whether or not to execute the invoice run. However, if the invoice run encounters missing and urgently required data, the system itself initiates a termination of the invoice run.
After the successful invoice run, you receive a summary of how many invoices could be sent by e-mail. In addition, the PDF will contain the invoices quotes, which must be sent by letter. If SEPA files have been created for the direct debits, they can also be downloaded here. After the invoice run, they are automatically managed in the surgeries.
The invoice run therefore consists of two steps. In the first step, the invoices are prepared and it is checked whether the required information such as SEPA bank details and addresses are available. If errors occur, the invoice run is prevented so that you can correct them before the next attempt. Certain warnings (for example, for incomplete addresses) allow you to decide whether to continue or cancel the billing run.
Certain transactions for which an invoice has already been created are nevertheless separated for collective invoices, and are not resent to the customer.
During the invoice run, the program tries to email as many invoices as possible as PDFs to the respective customers. At the end of the invoice run you will be informed how many invoices have been successfully sent by mail.
If PDFs or SEPA files were created during the invoice run, they will be offered for download. The remaining invoices can therefore be printed out in PDF format and sent separately. You can download the SEPA files for direct debits and credit transfers. If problems occur in the invoice run, these are output in the form of warnings. However, if a serious error occurs, the invoice run is terminated and the transactions are available again as open transactions for a new invoice run.
Invoices created in the invoice run are managed as open items and can be processed under Open items.
Invoices generated as SEPA are automatically marked as paid, if a direct debit is not redeemed you should only reopen the corresponding item. The open items can be closed for mass transactioning directly in the list view by selecting them in the left column. The Process Selected Entries command clears the selected surgeries. In the case of a down payment or for reopening, the individual open item can be selected and transactioning can take place in a dialog. The surgery has a comment field in which further brief information can be recorded. Information such as compensation through SEPA file creation or through changes via the interface are automatically entered by the program.
Note: An open item can only be cleared if the remaining amount is exactly 0. An overpayment or underpayment prevents the open item from being closed. Difference postings can be made in a separate accounting department if required.
You can view the transactions of the created invoices from the open items by choosing the symbol (i). When selecting an operation, its positions can also be viewed. An "arrow back" allows you to return to the open items.
You can also use Archive (Invoice Run) to call up the closed invoice runs and open them individually to view the transactiones, download PDF and SEPA files (again). You can then open the invoices and other details in the archive using the information icon.
Open items
Note in advance: There is a double use of the term OP / open items, respectively their status is different from the point of view of the POS system and the accounting.
In the POS system, transactions with payments to customer account (and similar) are automatically OPs (open items) after the transaction is completed, as the invoices from accounting can / should be transmitted to the customer.
in Accounting, these are listed in the area of payment orders. Only when invoices are created from the payment orders do these open invoices appear in the area Open items (of the accounting). From an accounting perspective, these are now settled and open items. The POS system no longer has to take care of this and therefore the open items in the POS system are considered cleared (due to the invoice being created in Accounting). When the OPS are invoiced in accounting, the OPs are no longer displayed as OPs at the POS.
Select the Open Items view. In the upper area you will get the information about the total sum of all rows and the sum of the entries marked in the table.
You can clear surgeries manually. By selecting the surgery, you get a dialog for this.
In this dialog you can clear your open items. To mark the invoice amount as balanced, please click on the Insert remaining amount button behind the amount to be balanced.
If only a partial amount was paid, you can adjust the amount manually. The open item remains with a remaining amount until it is cleared.
Show invoices as PDF...
You can display the invoice again here as a PDF file. You can also select several entries and use the Process selected entries together button to balance them.
(The open items of the invoices for which a SEPA mandate was created are cleared automatically in the invoice run. If a return debit memo is created, you can set this as "open" again.) After successful multiple open item clearing, you receive a summary of the number and total of the open items.
If the operation is balanced he can be seen in the view bills.
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