Edit price groups VAT
In the product group settings of the price groups(price groups is a special module for complex Hypersoft systems), you can change the VAT for all items in the corresponding product group.
A change to the underlying data is generated and stored as a planned change. As a planned change, the data can be further processed and later released for application via a date.
Determine date
Before the change is made, the time for the upcoming change must be determined, because there is no automatic release.
The date is listed under planned changes.
Overwrite value added tax
In the merchandise category, it is possible to treat price levels and the value-added tax separately for in- and out-of-home. There must be at least one price level and one VAT level. can be selected. After confirming, a processing dialog appears, which informs about the progress. Afterwards the change can be viewed under planned changes.
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