Activate price groups

The use of price groups in the portal extends your possibilities and the functions in the program, at the same time the simple price maintenance in the MCP item master is deactivated.


Prerequisite is a current program version from 2018 SP2 as well as a central/branch system.

You can only maintain sales prices for items that are in a merchandise category.

Price groups can be created for the future with a maximum of one scheduled change. Price changes, on the other hand, can be made as often as required.

Restrictions on the part of the MCP

The head office's PortalClearingClosed PortalClearing is a Hypersoft communication program that runs in the notification area. reconciles the sales prices with the Hypersoft portal.

In order to ensure data synchronisation between portal and POS, the password of the price groups from the portal must be stored in the MCP of the head office after activation.

Once a merchandise group has been assigned to a price group, sales prices can only be adjusted via the portal. An exception is the "release" of a company, which enables a company to maintain its "own" prices.

The stored formula for the respective price levels can no longer be applied to item prices in the MCP. The formula must be created and saved in the MCP, which transfers the formula to the portal and calculates the item prices from there.

Depending on the extent of the changes and the system environment, it can take between minutes and hours to calculate and make available all price groups. This process must not be terminated, as otherwise incomplete price levels may be added to the usage. In addition to unwanted prices, this may also affect the possible use of the POS system at the locations. If you make a mistake, turn off distribution via web clearing, trading area clearing (and other methods, if any) and contact Hypersoft Support until you are ready to correct the error.


To activate the price groups, you need authorization: Price groups / Settings in authorization management.

Activation cannot be reversed, please inform yourself in advance about the effects of activation. Please contact our support if you are unsure, or have any further questions.

Please click on the Switch onprice groups button to start the initial setup.

After activation, a password is generated for the customer number of the head office. Please enter this password in the master information of the MCP so that your data can be transferred to the portal.

Please enter the generated password from the portal in the master information in the MCP under: Password for the use of price groups in the portal.

After entering the password, your local item master is compared with the portal. Depending on the number of items you have created and the speed of your internet interface, this process can take up to 60 minutes. Only after a successful transmission the price groups are available to you in the portal. If the transfer has not yet been completed, you will be notified accordingly, in which case we ask you to be patient.


The Price Groups module requires the PriceGroups authorization.

With the right price groups the price groups and item prices can be seen.

To edit your data, the corresponding Edit Price Group Matrix and Edit Item Price Matrix rights are required.

The release of your changes for transfer to your local item master can be regulated separately.

The right for the settings is needed to activate the price groups for the first time, as well as to manage your price groups in number and name.

Further documentation: Operational locations

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