All about item number

The Hypersoft item master has four fields for different "item numbers":

  • Item number
  • alphanumeric number
  • Free item number
  • (Purchase order number with vendor)

Post using item numbers

You do not need any of the numbers to work at the POS system, since the POS system can post text-oriented (and with images). In the first cash registers with PLU number function (probably Price-Look-Up) you could enter item numbers and the price (later also the text) of the item was booked. Up to the present day, booking by means of such numbers is still used sporadically. Both in the past and in use today, the numbers are largely retained in the case of regular changes to the items, and in order to have reserves, areas are left free "as a reserve" for new items. After some time, however, there are number jumps and other confusion everywhere with this concept, as decisions are mostly made in favour of the experienced staff. This is then a problem for new employees who have to be trained with particular difficulty.

If you want to book with the Hypersoftsystem despite the fast and comfortable text functions with item numbers, then use the field free item numbers, the cash register system supports the work with the item number continuously. The advantage of the free item number is that you can assign it differently at any time. You can withdraw the free item number from items you no longer need for sale and reuse them elsewhere.

The freely selectable item number can also be used for sorting and grouping. In this case, if it is to be used for this and not for posting, you can allow its multiple entry in the global system settings.

To practise item numbers, your operators can use the Item Search function.

Further documentation:

Allow multiple "free item numbers

Book with item numbers on the mPOS

Internal organisational item number

The first item number in the item master is an internal item number for your internal use. Each item, whether recipe, base or product, is assigned an internal item number. Sortings in the CONTROLLER can fall back on it. If you want to group the item numbers as you enter them, the item master helps you by automatically searching for the next free item number in your number range. For example, you can start with basic items with 1000 and later specify 1000 for entering a new basic item so that the item master searches for the next free internal item number from 1000.

To view the next available item numbers, you can also press the button with the triangle that is displayed to the right of it when you enter the field:

You can also use the alphanumber to assign sort numbers to sort lists according to this specification. The program automatically fills the field with unique information, which you can replace with any numbers and letters (alphanumeric). The alphanumeric item number is also preferred for the interface of other systems of our partners, it is then an interface number.

Number Ranges and Authorizations

If you define number ranges in the userClosed As users we call people who operate programs, in our case mostly the users of the MCP and the contained programs. authorizations, the userClosed As users we call people who operate programs, in our case mostly the users of the MCP and the contained programs.'s view is restricted to these items.

If a recipe in your number range contains a base item outside the permitted number range, these base items are still displayed, can be edited within the recipe, and can even be removed. However, you can only add items that are allowed in your number range.

Free item numbers for sorting

If you only use free item numbers for sorting and not for booking, you can allow their multiple use with the system setting Allow multiple "free item numbers multiple . that makes the task of sorting with numbers much easier.

Further documentation: Simple item entry

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