Average by profit center

Information about the Proficentre: Set Up Profit Centers


The Average by Profit Center report shows revenue per profit center. In addition, the number of transactions involved and the number of customers are evaluated on average.


The first column shows you the profit centre, behind it the turnover of the profit centre, as well as the number of guests and the turnover per guest.

Then the number of operations and the turnover per operation.

The last line then shows you the total turnover, the total number of guests, the turnover per guest, the transactions and the total turnover per transaction.


Furthermore, you have various options for customising the report under the Advanced Options.


Here you have the option of defining the number of customers (number of guests) that the report should output.

You can display the number of customers entered at the cash register and disregard transactions without a customer count.

Here you also have the option of determining the number per transaction or the number of item bookings.

If you are working with more than one profit centre, a list of your items will be displayed in the white field, which you can filter by.

See Best practice operator turnover per customer.

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