Prioritize item distribution

For special cases, you can specifically address certain KITCHEN MONITORS when booking items at the mPOS.

For this, the appealing items would have to be assigned to stations (as in the standard). In this case, however, items must be assigned to more than one station, since only assigned stations are valid for selection during distribution. If items are only assigned to one station, they are also sent there independently of this function - which is also practical for this function.

To send items to a station we simply use the function menu. Since menu courses can be named freely, you create entries in their settings which represent the destination (the respective station). For example item 1, item 2, item 3...

These virtual menus (or in our case items) can now be used in the keyboard programming of the mPOS Tablet on the keyboard.

Now the menu menu representing the name is assigned to each station, e.g. menu item 1 of station 1, menu item 2 of station 2 etc. To do this, go to the Kitchen Supervisor settings.

Using Item Distribution

If you select a menu option, all items booked subsequently will be assigned to this menu option. The booking will be sent to the station which has been assigned to the menu (which represents an item by name). If the item has also been assigned for this station, it will now appear there specifically. If the item is assigned to several other stations, the booking is automatically distributed to them and the destination is discarded. If the item is only assigned to another station, the selected destination is also discarded and the booking sent there.

Further documentation:

Prioritize item distribution for menu navigation

Use menu courses

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