Set customer base for POS

The customer master can be set for cashier mode. Use the CLOU Designer for this.

Start in cashier mode. Holding down the clock for 2 seconds in cashier mode opens the layout dialogue.

Starting from the MCP: Start the Stations programme from the programme group System settings. Select the desired station and press the Edit button. The tab Basic settings appears, where the Designer button is located.

Select the MOBILE PEOPLE button in the Designer:

All entries are displayed in the order shown. Clicking on an entry marks it and further buttons appear to hide (remove) and move the selected entry so that you can select the desired order for the cashier mode:

If you select an entry from the Hide list, you have the option of displaying the entry again.

Fields that are inserted again from the Hide list are inserted exactly where the selection is in the Display field. So you can quickly remove a field for sorting and insert it again at the desired position.

Mandatory fields are marked with a "*" and must always be filled.

Locked fields are displayed (brighter) but cannot be changed.

In the mandatory field and lock lists, all fields are always available for selection, regardless of whether they are hidden or not.

In the customer lists you can create a selection of your customers according to any criteria.

You can define the authorisations for access to customer data in the operator authorisations.

Further documentation:

Edit customer data

Export: Lists and Export

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