Report Manager Questions & Answers FAQ
For all customers, the Report Manager usually runs fully automatically and provides all interested parties with the desired reports. Most of the questions about Report Manager will be answered automatically once you have internalized the technical concept and operation of the Hypersoft system. If you are unsure and have not yet dealt with the introductory chapterThings to note about the Report Manager, you should do so now.
Report automation
Every day I get the reports by e-mail, why not today?
This is the most common problem. In most cases, this is because at the time of automatic report dispatch, the device (cash register or PC) was not switched on, or a participating server used for forwarding could not successfully send the report. Our support can redo the shipment, or you can act on this description yourself.
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Description for subsequent report shipping
Use the Task Scheduler to resend reports that have not been sent. This may be necessary, for example, if the unit was switched off at the time of the desired dispatch. See Manual report shipping with the Task Scheduler.
Unclear reporting results

The question repeatedly arises as to why the net totals within the reports or in the comparison between the report manager and the portal show deviations. As a rule, it is only a few cents in a daily comparison, but in a monthly or even annual comparison it can be up to 1 or 2 euros. The background in all cases is that the net is calculated from a gross total system (you store the gross prices in the article master), taking into account the VAT rates. Depending on whether it is a total per day or a breakdown by operator, product group, profit centre or other groupings, the net can be calculated differently. Each individual sum is then rounded from case to case, which can lead to deviations in the cent range.
Questions about specific evaluations

Yes, for a breakdown of turnover by channel, please use the Channel Payment Report.

There is a possibility to query the postcode via the cash register function postcode entry and then to be able to evaluate it.
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