Handling the Report Manager

The Report Manager is a large and versatile program. It is therefore worthwhile first familiarising oneself with the structure and the possible handling so that one can also make use of the intended advantages.

The program contains more than 100 reports and additional option and alternative switches, as well as selection criteria, which cannot be accessed spontaneously and intuitively, but are intended to obtain exactly the right evaluations in depth. We recommend that you select suitable reports based on your previous reports and our standards and then havethem generated automatically. This basic setup is often done as part of a service. Depending on the interval, the reports can be compiled differently on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and either printed automatically or emailed as PDFs. Automatic mailing, depending on the report group and recipient, is usually also automated. If you simply want to retrieve some reports spontaneously, it can be useful to hidethe reports you do not need in the overview.

Special attention must be paid to the settings of the radio buttons so that you can understand their functions. Some of the switches act across all reports (of a group), others do not. Different editors may also prefer different settings. You can best control all of this in a differentiated manner using the so-called Report Manager variants.

General Header

The reports use the general header. Header or overview of the report creator as well as period from and to and from the master information stored telephone number. The Hypersoft logo is an external file that you can replace once with your logo if required to display this in all reports.

Report structuring

Report groupings Description of the
A Hypersoft POS booking evaluations Posting evaluations refer to the item postings.
B Hypersoft POS payment evaluations Payment evaluations consider the payments of transactions.
C Operator evaluations The payments and postings are evaluated from the perspective of the executing operator-
D Item and product group evaluations Posting evaluations with reference to merchandise categories and articles.
E Employee evaluations This usually involves the evaluation of time recording data
F Losses and cancellation evaluations Consideration of the bookings from the point of view of cancellations and losses.
G Customer and transaction evaluations Customer processes and normal processes are evaluated.
H Profit centre evaluations Evaluations via profit centres
I Graphical evaluations Graphical evaluations
K Customer reports Evaluations of customer transactions
P Commission evaluations Commission evaluations for POS operator/merchandise groups Commissions
Q Kitchen Monitoring Kitchen Monitor evaluations
R Export reports Export Reports
S Interface reports Evaluations of connections to external programs
T Dispensing machine Journal Evaluations of the dispensing systems connection.
V Voucher Reports The vouchers are evaluated here.
Extra: Journal export See also Journal and export also for AmadeusVerify

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