POS Mobile handhelds

The mobile device group includes handhelds and tablets.

  Repairs possible New devices
Hypersoft Tablet //4 On request

yes, current

Rocket (for Android) yes

yes, current

PayPOS devices:

Hypersoft Pay Adyen Terminals

PayTec payment terminals


yes, current

Orderman 10 Hypersoft Edition yes

yes, current

Third-party devices and exceptions

Zebra TC21 with scanner and NFC reader integration...

The Zebra mobile device is supported for the Vapiano project in Germany, but is not repaired or distributed by Hypersoft. The device acts as an mPOS device under Android. The scanner for QR codes and the NFC reader for transaction cards are supported.

Further documentation:

Hypersoft Tablet //4

Rocket (for Android)

Orderman 10 Hypersoft Edition

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