Use operator change

If operators do not have access to all operations in their permissions, they can only access operations for which they themselves have /operation responsibility. The cash register function Operator change makes it possible to hand over the transaction responsibility to other operators. Depending on how the permissions of the individual operators are set (revision protection, access to processes, teams), Hypersoft POS will request a login from the recipient of the transferred processes.

To transfer operations (tables / customers) from one operator to another operator, proceed as follows:

  1. First, the operator logs in to hand over his tables.
  2. Activate the cash register function Operator change.
  3. The target operator must log in (PIN or key) in order to secure the transfer of process responsibility. If there is no logon, the operation list is displayed, but the operations cannot be transferred.
  4. The operations that the operator wishes to perform are transferred from left to right using the arrow keys.
  5. Press the ground hook to complete the operation.

If a operator change is carried out and there are expenses or tips in the transactions concerned, the operator carrying out the transfer is asked whether these bookings should also be transferred. When this happens, a Operator Transferbon is automatically issued in the form of a report (on the standard report printer for x-reports). The sums that the target operator then "owes" the source operator are shown here. (A similar transfer voucher is the transaction transfer voucher.)

The Manager Operator Change

The operator change manager is a cash register function that is accessible via an operator authorization of the same name. Operators with manager status receive all processes, others only those processes with their own process responsibility.

The operator change manager can very quickly and conveniently change the process responsibility between all operators.

The cash register function Manager operator change starts the following dialog:

If the switch is set in the operator authorisations, access to the manager operator change dialogue is also given. If you also have manager status, all operations of all operators are displayed in Manager-Operator Change. If you do not have manager status, only your own operations are displayed.

Element / Switch Function / Description

Operation number or

operator name

Select whether to sort operations by operator name or by operation number.
Display of names The operator names can be displayed and sorted by alias, first name or last name. If no alias is entered, the first name is used, if no first name is entered, the last name is used.
Display target operator Select whether Active Operators or All Operators should be displayed. The sorting also depends on the desired settings.
Operator actions If you do not want to display the operations for all operators, you can select one of the operators from the list. The sorting also depends on the desired settings.

In the operation list, all operations appear in the desired sequence. Operations can be selected by touching or clicking. Selected processes are highlighted in light blue and moved to the right. The operation field displays the total of the operation and its type (table, customer, etc.).

Team actions are highlighted in orange and cannot be selected. Therefore, these operations cannot be processed with this program.

operation details For the last selected transaction, the transaction details (item postings) are displayed in the center.
operator The operator list shows all operators to whom processes can be transferred for process responsibility. Select an operator to take over operations. The operator is highlighted in light blue and moved to the left.
Transfer operations Press Transferoperations to transfer the selected operations to the selected operator. The transferred process numbers are displayed in the control panel.
Return operations This function returns the operations of a selected target operator to the source operator.

Select all


Deselect All

Select All to select all operations in the list. Deselect All to treat all selected operations as not selected again.
Execute Confirm your selection and actions with the Executebutton .
discontinuance Cancel discards all your actions of the current session with the dialog.

If a manager operator change is carried out and there are displays or tips in the processes concerned, these postings are treated as specified in the global station settings. A transfer receipt is automatically created as a report (on the standard report printer for x-reports), in which the totals are displayed that the target operator "owes" to the source operator.

Further documentation:

Automatic transfer of displays and tips during operator transfer

Manager operator change

Back to the parent page: Operator authorizations