Use Availability Manager

The availability manager counts down the available number of items so that they can no longer be booked. In the availability manager you can also rebook items to losses if they are left over, for example, and cannot be resold.


The availability manager can be started from the cashier mode with the cashier function availability manager. Operators must then enter their PIN (if logged in with manager status in cashier mode, this entry is not required). You can also call up the Availability Manager from the MCP from the POS programme group with the Availability Manager symbol without having to enter the PIN.


If the availability manager has the setting per outlet, this must be selected once for each session in the programme.

Immediate availability control during posting


You can make entries on the touch panel or with a standard keyboard.

Element / Switch Function / Description
Availability items (list)

The list displays all the items sorted by merchandise category whose availability is to be monitored (setting in the item master).

If you have connected a keyboard. you can search for items above the list using a filter.

Number of portions


Add to

Enter the number of portions you wish to make available for sale and click Add.

Adding inventory makes the item saleable.

An item that is set up for the availability manager cannot be sold without inventory. In order not to unintentionally block items here, an item set as an availability item is only monitored when it has been assigned an inventory for the first time.

Update list You can use the Update List function to load the items currently set as availability items from the item master. This may be necessary if you are processing items in the current site in the item master.

To reduce the number of available items, you can post them as returns. Enter the desired number as the positive quantity.

The components of returned product items increase as the number of product items is reduced.

Deactivate and Activate

Deactivate deactivates the monitoring of the available stock, so that the item can now be sold indefinitely.

By selecting a deactivated item from the list, this button performs the function vice versa when pressed, i.e. as Activate.

Any availability stock entered can therefore also be counted into the negative range for a deactivated item. This is intentional for the deactivated item in the standard. They could otherwise block the item elsewhere.

blocks With the Block function, the selected item is blocked via the cash registers independently of the stock and the sale.

To book availability stock for loss, please enter the cashier mode of Hypersoft POS or Hypersoft mPOS.

Exit Closes the Availability Manager view. The items are still counted during posting and the availability stock is monitored.

Use availability manager with pooling

The availability of several items can be combined into a so-called "pool". This means that if two items form a pool, both items from this pool are always reduced by the booked number when booking.

This function is also used especially with tickets, for this there is the topic Pooling for tickets.

Form pool...

To form a pool, press all the items one after the other while holding down the control key (Ctrl) to group them. After that, you can release the control button and next press the form pool button. A pool number is then stored for the items and the list is updated.

If you have accidentally added a wrong item to the pool, you can select it and remove it from the pool with the Remove from Pool button.

If it is a ticket and the ticket factor is > 1, the factor is displayed behind the item name in the form of (..X). Here in the example the family ticket with the ticket factor 5:

After selecting an item from a pool, you can use the Reset stock of all items in the pool button to reset the stock of all items in this pool, for example, to be able to enter a new day with new specifications. This method also resets all decimal values. A message is displayed which must be answered:

When adding using Add, the decimal places are retained and only whole quantities are added.

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