Discount: Process


Activate the function Discount: Transaction to grant a discount to all bookings of the current transaction. Already booked items receive the discount as well as items which you book into this process in the future. This also applies after closing the transaction with New Balance and even after reopening. The amount of the discount rate depends on the free two-digit numeric entry you made before the discount function. Example:

1 + 0 + Discount: Transaction = 10% discount on all items in the transaction.

You can change the discount of the operation at any time by entering a different value for the operation discount. The CLOU then uses this discount on the basis of the original price instead of the previous discount value.

Note that further system settings can influence the amount of the discount granted.

If you enter 0% transaction discount, the prices of the items appear in the transaction again.

A transaction discount can only be applied if the transaction contains at least one item. If there is a need to ensure this, create a macro with a Free Item Number that enters the discount along with an Info Item .

Further documentation:

Apply discounts

Discount: Item

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