WLAN requirements

The Hypersoft mobile devices, primarily mPOS mobile tills and mobile payment terminals, generally work so well and securely that you can always rely on them.

For simple problems with the WLAN connection, a look at the documentation or a call to our support will help. If such problems become established over a longer period of time, it is usually due to complex interrelationships. On the other hand, the rule applies: if the WLAN works, the devices connected to it also work...

However, there are many things that can influence the reliability of a WLAN. The following situations occur most frequently:

  1. At the beginning, incorrectly configured WLAN (or LAN with influence on it) with too much or too little or incorrectly configured components. This is often quickly resolved by referring us to the person responsible and reworking the system.

  2. Problems after working on the WLAN or network. Here, the information from the chapter 4. IP and Port List is often ignored.

  3. However, a well-functioning WLAN does not work under load or has an unreliable response behaviour. We therefore recommend that, especially with new systems, the test is carried out with the presence of your IT administration, even under full load. A full load is not only a simulated data throughput, but is the maximum number of guests present (each with smartphone approx. 2 antennas each) and also the use of disturbing devices such as fans, large machines or motors should be given. If everything works under these conditions, then the Hypersoft devices will also work.

  4. It is possible that a securely functioning WLAN cannot be set up at your location with reasonable effort. Then you can aim for an almost securely functioning WLAN. If both are not possible, other decisions have to be made. Known problems that often lead to this are "city centre locations" with too many foreign networks, events with particularly large numbers of visitors (interference from smartphones and attenuation due to the number of bodies) or (defective) electrical devices that emit interference.

You can assume that in a functioning hypersoft system you will not reach a limit through sales to guests where a cash register system configured by us for this purpose requires waiting times or even causes load-related errors.

Hypersoft Support for your WLAN

We can only offer limited support for WLAN in the standard. This presents itself like this:

  • If Hypersoft Support answers your request by saying that you need to check your WLAN, then you need to check your WLAN (or have it checked) and then repeat your request if necessary and with new findings. At least pay attention to the conditions mentioned above.

  • If it cannot be determined where the error is caused, you must correct or replace your WLAN or components of it (this does not apply, of course, if an error can be clearly identified on a Hypersoft device). If this does not solve the problems, you may have to repeat your request, referring to the previous votes.

  • If work has been done on your network and you contact our support in this (temporal) context, you are obliged to inform our support of the previous work so that they can evaluate this accordingly in connection with your request.

In addition, we can coordinate with your IT administration outside normal working hours by explicit assignment, for example for load testing that is only achieved outside our normal working hours. You can also request replacement units, but the replacement is usually not free of charge, but subject to a charge. We cannot assume responsibility for your WLAN or network outside the standards we supply, nor can we assume responsibility for all influencing side effects. If you have these expectations, please let us know for the quotation, as our standard does not include this.

In the event that you cannot always rely on 100% IT administration or expect our support for these components for other reasons, we recommend that you order these components from us in the Hypersoft standard; likewise, your IT can use our standard as a guide for this by informing you of it. We clarify this:

Hypersoft and most of the Hypersoft resellers have specialists trained on specific devices from specific manufacturers who can effectively solve difficult tasks. This then results in the recommendation for certain devices or manufacturers without wanting to evaluate these devices. "Your administrator" should also weigh up the advantages of our recommendations and think about what happens if he is on holiday and in the rare case of a malfunction his know-how is needed.

As a general rule, our support will not answer or process your network or WLAN within the scope of the standard. We recommend that you consult experts if you have this need.

WLAN categories and price ranges

There are large price differences in the technical components for providing WLAN networks. Theoretically, the devices we offer work with any WLAN. In practice, however, it can happen that special configuration requirements arise which can then be implemented with high-quality devices (very inexpensive devices do not offer these possibilities in most cases). These problems can also only occur in connection with programme updates, updates of the firmware in the WLAN devices, the mobile devices, the operating system and, of course, the algorithms of our software - but only the latter can we influence alone.

Further documentation:

WLAN Notes and Mobile Device Practice

WLAN alternative solutions

Test IIS

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