Voucher sale / reload (standard and web)

The function Voucher sale (reload) displays a button for selection for each type of voucher that has the option saleable at checkout.

With MOBILE PEOPLE web vouchers, a query appears asking whether an existing number (existing voucher) or a new number (new voucher) should be booked, because web vouchers can be recharged at will (standard value vouchers not).

Press the corresponding button directly if the voucher has a fixed sales price. Otherwise, enter the desired price of the voucher with which it is to be recharged beforehand. When booking the voucher, first enter the value, for example 55.50 and then book the voucher (which was set up as a free price voucher). A voucher with the value 55.50 is created or a card is asked for which can be assigned this value.

General voucher function overview

The cash register functions for vouchers were created in different programme versions and therefore have partly the same functions.

cash function Hypersoft Web Voucher 3rd Party Voucher Hypersoft Offline Coupon Other
Apply voucher (web) yes - yes



Voucher (Web) Balance yes - yes



Voucher foreign balance - yes - -
Use foreign voucher - yes - -
Voucher Info yes   yes



Voucher sale yes   yes



*F = if there is a form in the macro, a form about the voucher status is also printed.

Vouchers Online or Offline Further documentation:

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