Using Images on Buttons

To use images for items in checkout mode, you can use the Laying out and designing keysof keyboard programming or go to the item master.

If you also want text to appear on the buttons, you can integrate the text into the image.

Assign images in the item master

Go to item master Area cash registerto store item images and activate the option Use key image.

The view of the standard elements is replaced by a picture view. All images from the directory (C:\)Hypers-!Image\ are displayed.

See the supplementary description in the topic Best Practice Use Hypersoft Sidepanel.

Tips on runtime behavior with images in checkout mode

The more pictures you use and the larger the files of them, the more computing work is required for the PC. Since energy-saving PCs are usually used at the point of sale, delays can occur with many images. You can easily counteract this by avoiding unnecessarily large files for this application. You should therefore make sure to use files that are as small as possible and, if necessary, carry out a test with the cash register before including complex images that slow down your system.

With reasonably formatted images, you can thus also stands on slow PCs to use many image keys!

Scaling of the key images

The images are adjusted to the key size to optimize the view. This may result in changes to the presentation. To avoid this, you should adjust the images to the button size in an external image editing program.

The bitmaps have the following sizes:

(Details in pixels) width


Simple key 54 x 44
Double key - Horizontal 114 x 44
Double key - Vertical 54 x 94
quad button 114 x 94

POS key images can now have a file name of any length (the file names are shortened to 13 digits if necessary).

Assembling pictures as a mosaic...

If you want to display images in larger areas, you must use buttons without frames to seamlessly merge images. The individual images in the buttons create a complete image without transitions if you strictly adhere to the formats of the images, use bitmaps (BMP file) in 96 DPI.

Further documentation: Scaling key images

Example of the Layout of a Self-Service Fund

With the technique of using images and setting up layout changes, you have very individual design options.

Example of the Hypersoft Installer Wolfgang Kontschieder:

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