Hypersoft Pay Amount Window

For payment, there is a minimum and a maximum that you can (partly) set in the Adyen portal or that can be set for you. Independently of this, such settings can also be made with other payment service providers.

In general, we offer the service for our customers and for the intended use of the payment terminals and eSolutions Payments. For this reason, maximum amounts give a limit that you normally do not reach. For security reasons, we do not use this to the maximum, but have also preset a lower maximum amount as standard for your protection.

However, rejections regarding the amount window are mostly about the minimum amount. This is also contractually stipulated by the credit card / scheme owner or Adyen.

Best practice minimum amount for cashless payment

Since it is often seen as controversial, the tip does not have to fit your business model.

Of course, the ancillary costs for a cashless payment order can be perceived as high. If you also deduct the costs for cashless payment transactions from a small turnover, you are usually left with a pitiful profit. This leads to many brand owners setting a non-cash minimum amount for their operation. Then suddenly there is a sign at the point of sale that reads, for example: "Kein EC unter 10,-€". But even in service gastronomy it is not necessarily common to pay for a beer or a water without cash. This will change with the new payment methods. It's nice to go for a beer without a wallet and armed only with a smartphone. Do you then want to compromise or even "educate" the customer by refusing cashless payment? Do not do this under any circumstances. Regardless of the new payments, simply ensure that the smallest possible amount can also be paid cashless in your company (if possible, see below) and train your employees to take this for granted. These customers will love you and you will love these customers. In short, adjust your offer instead of trying to do this with your customers.

Store the minimum and maximum amount for the POS system...

Store the minimum and maximum amountso that a warning can be issued to the operator by the POS or mPOS (also Orderman) outside the payment window and the payment, which is hopeless from the outset, is not still ordered to the payment terminal. At the POS, mPOS and Orderman they receive a warning and reject message when cashless payment is attempted outside the amount window.

Define amount window in the portal...

You will receive access to the portal after a briefing or licensing.

Enter the Hypersoft Pay powered by Adyen portal and select Settings / Payment features / Amounts

Adjust these settings to suit your needs.

Please note that the maximum amount in your contract with Hypersoft is limited. This amount may not be exceeded, but must be readjusted as necessary.

Set maximum amount...

The maximum amount has the function of protecting all participants from abuse. In the first instance, this concerns you as the "merchant" who accepts the cashless payments and bears the responsibility for them.

A maximum of e.g. 2.500,-€ is usually sufficient even in full service restaurants. If this is not necessary you can also reduce to 1.000,-€, which is usually valid in Quick-Service Restaurants.

The maximum amount under Max. Amount is set in your contract and can be set to a higher amount if Hypersoft agrees. Even after the contract has been concluded, you can make a written request for an adjustment, for which we will then examine the options and implement them if necessary.

Activate changes...

Please note that after each change made to the terminal settings here on the portal, an update of the configuration must be carried out on the terminal so that your changes can be applied.

The instruction is compatible with Verifone Countertop P400Plus Hypersoft Pay Edition and Verifone Portable V400M Hypersoft Pay Edition.

Press the button on the payment terminal 9 then OK then Password then again OK then Config then Update. The terminal then loads the new settings from the portal and applies them.

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